Breakfast club starts 8th January 8.10-8.40am in the top hall
Breakfast club is starting from Monday 8th January. If you would like your child to attend they will need to bring in a form which has their information including dietary […]
Breakfast club is starting from Monday 8th January. If you would like your child to attend they will need to bring in a form which has their information including dietary […]
The children from KS2 will be visiting the pantomime in the Gwyn Hall on Friday afternoon. They will need to wear school uniform and can bring a drink and a […]
We are having an Estyn inspection on the week beginning 22nd January 2024. Please can you take the time to complete the parent/guardian questionnaire. Thank you for your continued support.
Estyn will be holding a meeting for parents/guardians on Monday 22nd January at 3.45pm.
Inset day 6th February 2024
Valentine Disco Banwen Rugby Club on Thursday 8th February starts 6pm
Inset day Monday 19th February 2024
End of half term Friday 9th February return to school on Tuesday 20th February
We will be having a celebration on Friday 1st March we are asking the children to wear Welsh Costume or red for this day.
Class 4 swimming fortnight starts Monday 26th Feb and ends Friday 8th March