Curriculum Statement

Maesmarchog Primary school      Curriculum statement

The members of our school community have worked together to develop a vision for our school with input from our learners and families that is bespoke to the learners in our school and our community.

Through discussions, questionnaires, activities in class and staff consultations, we have designed a new curriculum following the direction of the Curriculum for Wales. A school curriculum is a plan for what children
and young people will learn at school. It says:
– What they should learn
– How they should learn
– The reasons why they should learn.

The curriculum in Maesmarchog is purpose led and is constructed to enable our learners to become

  • ambitious, capable learners;
  • creative contributors;
  • healthy, confident individuals;
  • ethically, informed citizens.

Our learners are given learning opportunities that enable them to develop the skills, knowledge and experiences that they need for their own future, through meaningful interconnected concepts. Our Schools’ curriculum is broad and balanced, ensuring that pupils develop an integrated, cross-disciplinary approach to learning and ensures learners make meaningful links across the six Areas of Learning and Experience. This enables learners to build connections across their learning and combine different experiences, knowledge and skills.

The “What matters statements” from the Areas of learning and experience have been carefully considered and, through our curriculum, learning opportunities have been identified to provide meaningful activities. Pupils will be engaged, motivated and creative

At Maesmarchog Primary school, progression will be at the heart of our curriculum where pupils will make progress by building on existing knowledge and learn with increasing depth, over time. This will lead to being able to apply their skills independently and in more complex, sophisticated situations. We are working in our school and within our cluster of schools to develop a common understanding of progression and how to assess progress effectively. Pupils will be supported on their learning journey and given feedback which will support them in the progress that they make. There are a range of assessments that are used to identify where the pupil is and the progress that they are making focusing on next steps for learning.