Welcome to the PTA – Friends of Maesmarchog page!
We had our first meeting of the new term on Friday 15th September and lots of ideas were discussed. It was wonderful to see families ready to support us in our fundraising and thank you to everyone who attended or sent in the survey to school with ideas or ways in which they can support the school. Please send in your surveys to school as we welcome your ideas and creativity.
We already have things booked in to the diary for this term including a Halloween disco, a Rags to Riches collection and an event with the church.
Halloween Disco
Thank you to everyone who attended the Halloween disco it was spooktacular!
St. David’s Church Christmas fete
The PTA ran a stall in the fete in St. David’s Church fete. It was a wonderful event, thank you to the church for letting us be part of the event.
School Christmas fete and tree lighting
Thank you to the fundraising from the PTA the whole of KS2 were able to visit the Pantomime in the Gwyn hall they had a wonderful time.