Dosbarth 3

Class 3: Distance Learning WB 8th February 2021

Good morning Class 3,

Today is our final day of distance learning. I would like to say a big WELL DONE to all of you for how hard you have all worked this term! I am so proud of each and every one of you! Don’t forget at 2pm this afternoon we will have our star of the week assembly.

Here are a few activities for you to have a go at today.



Today we are going to carry on with our work on addition.

Year 1

Year 1 – Friday- Addition

Year 2

Year 2 – Friday – Addition


Language/ Phonics 

Today I would like you to practise your tricky words. Work on the phase that you are on and move onto the next when you are confident.

Phonics tricky word mat

Have a go at practising writing these in different ways. Have a look at some of the ideas below.

Write them in lots of different colours on a page

Make the words out of lego blocks/ pasta

Write the words in flour/ glitter/ salt/ paint

Put the words into a sentence

Practise typing the words on JIT5.


This afternoon I would like you to spend the time to catch up on any activities that you have not had a go at this week. Talk to a grown up to tell them what your favorite activity has been this week, you can share this with me too on HWB- JIT5 if you’d like to.

Again, well done to all of you for working so hard during our distance learning. I hope you all have a lovely half term. have fun with your families. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 22nd February. 

Miss Evans




Good morning boys and girls,

We are nearly at the end of the week, well done for how hard you have worked so fa, lets keep it up today. I have loved looking at your Chinese New Year craft activities. I have seen some excellent lanterns and dragons. Please bring them to our teams meeting this morning to share them with your friends.

Here are the activities for today.



Today we are going to continue with addition.

Year 1

Year 1 – Thursday – Addition

Year 2

Year 2 – Thursday – Addition


Language/ Phonics 

Today I would like you to continue with your phonic work.

Year 1 – continue with ‘qu’

Year 2 – continue with ‘fr’

Below are the links to the activities, have a go at the ones that you have not completed.

Year 1


Year 2



This afternoon I would like you to carry on with your craft activity from yesterday. Remember you can create more than one. If you have finished it then have a go at two of the activities below. You can do more if you want to.

Chinese new year colouring sheets

Chinese New Year wordsearch

Crack the code – word builder activity

Year 1 – Chinese New Year addition

Year 2 – Dragon addition


Have a good day everyone!

Miss Evans



Good morning boys and girls,

Well done for your hard work yesterday. When you come to the meeting this morning, be ready to tell me about the animals that were in the Great Race. Here are your activities to have a go at today.


Well done for working so hard on doubling and halving. Today we are going to move onto recapping on addition. Addition is when we add two amounts together. For example 3 + 2 = 5. Remember when we are adding we may hear different words for add like, plus, altogether, and,  sum of.

Have a go at the activities below:

Year 1

Year 1 – addition to 20

Year 2

Year 2 – addition



Language/ Phonics

Over the last few weeks we have been practising our sentence writing. You have written some excellent sentences so far to describe pictures. Today I would like you to write about Chinese New Year. You can use the picture prompts below. Remember to use capital letters at the start of the sentence, for names of people, places, days of the week and months of the year. Don’t forget to use a full stop at the end of your sentence. Make your sentences as interesting as you can by using adjectives and year 2 make sure you extend your sentences by using words like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’.

Year 1

Year 1 – sentence writing

Year 2

Year – Chinese new year – write about the pictures



We are going to have a creative afternoon today. This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year so we will do some Chinese new year craft activities. Below are examples of some things that you can have a go at making. Choose one to make but you can do more if you want to.

  1. Make a Chinese lantern. Have a look at the powerpoint below for instructions on how to make one. You do not have to use red coloured card, you can use any paper and decorate it yourself. Have a look at the pictures below, you could even make your lantern out of a paper plate.

Chinese lantern instructions









  1. Chinese dragon craft. Have a look at the pictures below for some ideas.

  1. This year is the year of the Ox. Why not make an ox? Have a look at the ideas below.












Good morning Class 3,

Well done to those of your who joined our meeting yesterday and have shared your work with me. Bring your topic work with you to the meeting today so that you can share what facts you have found out about Chinese New Year.

Here are your activities for today.



Today is our final day on doubling and halving. Have a go at the activities below:

Year 1

Year 1 – doubling and halving

Year 2

Choose a few of the challenge cards to have a go at below. There are 1, 2, 3 stars challenges, 3 being the most difficult, have a go at some of them if you’d like to challenge yourself.

Year 2 – doubling and halving challenge cards



Language/ Phonics 

Today we are going to continue with some comprehension activities. Have a go at the booklet below. There are lots of activities in the booklet, try a few of them. Remember you can write the answers into your notebook/ on paper/ type them onto HWB.

Year 1 – Year 1 – Bob the bubble

Year 2 – Year 2 – Superheroes



Well done for finding out lots of fact about Chinese New Year yesterday. Today we are going to focus on the story ‘The Great Race’ to find out how the animals in the Chinese zodiac got their order. Watch the video below and have a look at the Powerpoint too.

Have a look at the PowerPoint below:

The Great Race Story



  • Can you remember what animals were in the story? Write a list of the ones you can remember and draw a picture to go with it if you can.



  • Can you write 3 sentences about the Great Race? Your sentences could  be telling me about the position some of the animals came, or your favourite animal in the race. You could tell me about what your favourite part of the story was. Try to write more than 3 sentences if you can. Do this straight onto paper/ into your notebooks or use JIT5 to type it.


If you have any questions you can send me an email;

See you all tomorrow morning for our meeting. Be ready to tell me the names of some of the animals that were in the race.




Good morning Class 3,

Sut wyt ti? Today is our final week of distance learning before half term next week. I am so proud of how hard you have all worked, you are all superstars! Keep it up for one more week this week, keep coming to our meetings and sharing your work with me. We will have our achievement assembly again this week on Friday at 2pm. I will be giving out 5 bonus points again this week to everyone who comes to every meeting.

In our meeting this morning, if you have finished your farm craft activity, bring it with you so you can share it with your friends. We have seen some amazing creations so far!

Here are the activities for you to have a go at today.



Last week we done lots of work on doubling numbers and on Thursday we began to focus on halving numbers. Today we are going to have a go at some doubling and halving activities so that we can practise the skills we have learnt.

Year 1

Year 1 – doubling and halving word problems

Year 2

Year 2 – halving word problems



Language/ Phonics 

Year 1

Today we are going to move onto the blend ‘qu’. Can you think of any words that have the ‘qu’ sound in at the start of the word or at the end of the word?

Have a listen to the videos below.


Have a go at listening to the video below and join in with reading the words if you can.

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today, work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose two activities to try today.



Year 2

Today we are going to carrying on focusing on our phase 4 initial consonant  blends. Listen to the video below.


Today we are going to focus on ‘fr’

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today please work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose two activities to try today.





This week we are going to complete some activities to celebrate Chinese New Year that is celebrated on the 12th February. This year is the year of the Ox.

Today I would like you to research some facts about Chinese New Year. Have a look at the video’s and links below to help you.

Chinese and Lunar New Year – CBeebies – BBC

Chinese New Year (

Chinese New Year Information Powerpoint

Chinese New Year

How Chinese New Year is celebrated

My Chinese New Year Experience



Can you write a list of the different ways Chinese New Year is celebrated?

You can write this on paper/ in your notebook/ on HWB or you can use the sheet below

Chinese new year list

Class 3: Distance Learning WB 1st February 2021


Good morning boys and girls,

Well done to those of your who joined our meeting yesterday and thank you for sharing your fantastic creative work with uss, we have seen sheep, cows, pigs, horses and sheep dogs so far. If you have now finished making your farm animal, bring it with you to this mornings meeting to share it with us. Remember today is our achievement assembly at 2pm. Well done to you all for working so hard again this week, I have been able to give out lots of stars which is fantastic.

Here are your activities for today.



Today we are going to continue with practising halving numbers. Have a go at the activities below.

Year 1

Ladybird halving to 20

Ladybirds – halving within 10


Year 2

Halving numbers within 20

Year 2 – halving word problems challenge


Language/ Phonics 

Today I would like you to continue with your phonic work.

Year 1 – continue with ‘th’

Year 2 – continue with ‘dr’

Below are the links to the activities, have a go at the ones that you have not completed.

Year 1


Year 2


This afternoon I would like you to spend the time to catch up on any activities that you have not had a go at this week. Talk to a grown up to tell them what your favorite activity has been this week, you can share this with me too on HWB- JIT5 if you’d like to.

Well done for how hard you have all worked this week. Have a lovely weekend and Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Have fun and take care,

Miss Evans



Good morning Class 3,

Well done for your excellent work again yesterday, I have loved looking through your work and seeing the photos of the fabulous farm animals you have made. Bring these to our class meeting this morning so that you can show them to all your friends. 

Here are your activities for today. 



Today we are going to move onto halving numbers. When we halve a number we share the amount equally between two. For example if there were 4 sweets and we shared them out between two people, you would have 2 each. Watch the video below.

Halves and halving – 1st level Maths and Numeracy – BBC Bitesize

Warm up activity:

Can you find things at home that you can cut in half? Have a go at pouring equal amounts of water into two glasses.

Year 1

There are multiple sheets in each of the documents below, have a go at doing one from each, have a go at more if you want to.

All – Colour in half the amount

Year 1 – halving numbers by drawing pictures


Year 2

There are multiple sheets in each of the documents below, have a go at doing one from each, have a go at more if you want to.

All – Colour in half the amount

Year 2 – Halving within 20



Language/ Phonics

Toady we are going to have a go at a comprehension activity. This is when we read a passage and then answer questions about it. Have a go at the activity below, a grown up/ older sibling can help you with reading the passage.

There are two comprehensions below for each year group, choose one to have a go at. If you want to do both you can.

Year 1

Year 1 – Comprehension – Bubble Farm

Year 1 – comprehension

Year 2

Year 2 – Comprehension – Bubble Farm

Year 2 – Comprehension




If you have not finished making your farm animal, continue with that this afternoon. Also don’t forget to keep having a go at some of the activities listed in the well-being activity booklet from Monday. Tick off the ones you have managed to have a go at. 


This afternoon we are going to match the farm animals to where they live, but practise asking and answering this in Welsh. Can you remember how we ask the question, ‘where do you live?’ in Welsh? That’s right, “Ble rwyt ti’n byw?”

Have a listen to the video below and have a go at joining in if you can.


Can you match the animal to its home using the Welsh flashcards below.

Have a go at the activity suggestions in the document.

Topic – Thursday – ble rwyt ti’n byw matching game

Have a go at the activity below where you need to fill in the speech bubbles. Remember to look back at the video if you need to.

Year 1 – Welsh conversation

Year 2 – Welsh conversation


Keep up the excellent work.

Miss Evans




Bore da dosbarth 3,

Sut wyt ti? How are you? Well done to those of you who uploaded your work yesterday, I am very proud of how hard you are working. I saw some excellent work yesterday on doubling numbers, some lovely handwriting and tricky words work. Well done to those of you who completed the pictogram on HWB yesterday too! Remember to keep coming to our meetings every morning, I will be giving out 5 extra bonus points after Friday’s morning meeting if you come to all our meetings.

Here are your activities for today.



Today we are going to continue out work on doubling before we move onto halving numbers tomorrow.

Year 1

Year 1 – Doubling problem solving

Year 2

Year 2 – doubling challenge cards

Year 2 – doubling


Language/ Phonics

Today we are going to continue to practise our sentence writing. I would like to focus on using adjectives (describing words) to talk about different farm animals. You choose from the template below, or you can draw your own farm animal and describe it/ insert a picture on and type it up on JIT5. Complete 2 of the sheets from below, have a go at more if you can.

Describe the farm animal

Year 1

When you complete your sentences, I would like you to remember to use capital letters and full stops and to include an adjective in your sentence.

Year 2

I would like you to include interesting adjectives in your sentences today. Try to extend your sentences by using words like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.




This afternoon I would like you to get creative. I would like you to create your own farm animal. You can create it out of card, paper plates, plastic bottles, plastic cups, toilet roll tubes, hand prints, playdough, anything you wish to! Have a look at the pictures below at some of the ones that I have made and for some ideas.

Have fun creating your farm animal and don’

t forget to take a photo of it to share with me. Don’t worry if you don’t finish it today, you can keep going with it throughout the week.










If you have any questions you can send me an email; Keep sharing your work with me, I hope I can give out lots of stars again today.

Take care and have fun,

Miss Evans



Good morning Class 3,

Well done to those of you who joined our teams meeting yesterday. Yesterday we had less people join than usual so make sure you join our meetings each morning at 10am if you can. I am very impressed with the work that I saw yesterday. There was excellent work on doubling numbers, phonics and I loved looking through your ‘Positive Me’ posters. Remember to keep sharing your work with me and for the meeting this morning if you would like to bring your posters with you, we will have some time for you to share these with your friends. If you are completing yout work on paper and are unable to upload/emails photos, please drop the completed work off at school at the end of the week so I can see how you got on.

Here are your activities for today.



We are going to continue with our doubling activities today so have a go at the tasks below.

Warm up activity – doubling to 20

Year 1

Year 1 – doubles within 10.

Year 1 – Challenge – Numicon doubling within 20


Year 2

Year 2 – doubling trucks

Year 2 – doubling with pictures



Language/ phonics

Today we are going to practise our tricky word and our handwriting.

Remember to keep practising the tricky words you are working on in your current phase. If you are confident with them and can read and spell them all correctly from memory, move onto the next phase/

Below is a mat containing all the tricky words:

Phonics tricky word mat



Handwriting – practise writing your tricky words. Remember that t, h, l, k, d are tall letters; p, y, q, g, and j are lazy betters, they go below the line.

Tricky words handwriting booklet

Use the handwriting lines below to practise writing your letters and your tricky words.

Year 1 handwriting lines

Year 2 Handwriting lines

There are handwriting sheets below you can use to practise writing your tricky words. Take your time when writing them to make sure your letters are formed correctly and neatly.

Have a go at the read and writing sheets below to practise your tricky words. Select the phase that you are currently working on.

Phase 2 tricky words – read and write

Phase 3 tricks words sheet 2 – read and write Phase 3 tricky words – read and write

Phase 4 tricky words – read and write Phase 4 tricky words sheet 2 – read and write

Phase 5 tricky words – read and write




This afternoon we are going to continue with our farm topic. I would like you to create a pictogram using JIT5 to show the number of farm animals. Use the table below to complete your pictogram.

Animal How many
Cow 6
Goat 2
Horse 6
Pig 7
Sheep 5

I have shared the pictogram template with you in your shared files in HWB, or you can have a go at making it yourself.

Once you have completed the pictogram, have a go at answering the questions on the sheet below.

Topic – Monday – Year 1 pictogram

Topic – Monday – Year 2 pictogram


If you have any questions about of the work you can email me on Keep sharing your work with me and I look forward to being able to give out lots more stars for your hard work again today.

Miss Evans



Good morning Class 3,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I look forward to hearing about your news during our teams meeting this morning. Today is the start of another week of our distance learning, keep working hard like you have been, attending our meetings and sharing your work with me. I look forward to being able to give out lots of stars again this week.

You have all been sent an invite for a teams meeting for Friday afternoon at 2pm to your HWB email. This will be our achievement assembly. This week I will be giving out 5 bonus stars to everyone who attends all of our morning meetings during the week.

Here are the activities for you to have a go at today.



This week we are going to move onto learning about doubling and halving numbers. Today we still start with doubling. When we double a number it means that we add the same amount twice. For example, double 1 is 1+1 = 2.

Have a go at the activities below:

Year 1

Year 1 – Monday – draw the doubles

If you feel like challenging yourself have a go at the activity below:

Year 1 – Monday – Challenge – Dominoes doubling to 10

Year 1 – Monday doubling fish – drawing activity – extension

Year 2

Year 2 – Monday – dominoes doubling within 20

Year 2 – Monday – Doubling within 20



Language/ Phonics

Today we are going to focus on our phonics.

Year 1

Today we are going to move onto the blend ‘th’. Can you think of any words that have the ‘th’ sound in at the start of the word or at the end of the word?

Have a listen to the videos below.


Have a go at listening to the video below and join in with reading the words if you can.


There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today, work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose two activities to try today.



Year 2

Today we are going to carrying on focusing on our phase 4 initial consonant  blends. Listen to the video below.


Today we are going to focus on ‘dr’

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today please work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose two activities to try today.




This afternoon we are going to have a ‘feel good’ afternoon and have a go at a few of the activities from the ideas below.

  • I would like you to create a poster all about yourself. On your poster I would like you to draw a picture of yourself and then include lots of describing words about yourself around your picture.

-Why not ask someone in your family what they like the best about you and add that to your poster too. Words to think about adding; kind, caring, helpful, funny.

Design your own poster or you can use the template below.

Positive me

  • Spend at least half hour doing something that you really enjoy doing. It could be some art and crafts, I know lots of you love being creative in class. Or it could be playing a favourite board game, going for a ride on your bike/ scooter, making a den out of pillows. Please share with me what you have done by writing about it on JIT5 Write.
  • Have a look at the activity booklet below. Try to have a go at some of these activities throughout the week. It is an interactive PDF meaning you can open and edit it on the computer and then save it and send it back to me or upload it to HWB at the end of the week.

Positive mind activity booklet








Class 3: Distance Learning WB 25th January 2021


Good morning boys and girls,

Today is the start of our new week of our distance learning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and had some fun with your families. Did you go outside in the snow? I went for lovely walks this weekend, it was nice to be out in the fresh air. I am so proud of how hard you all worked last week, lots of you earned lots of stars last week. Keep a check on your J2Stars throughout the week. Remember that I will be taking a register each morning and giving out starts for when you come to our class meetings and for excellent work, so keep uploading and sharing this with me. We will continue to have our class meetings everyday at 10am. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all this morning.

Below are the activities for you to have a go at today.



Well done for your excellent work on your 5 and 3 times tables last week. I would like to keep practising your times tables each day through J2blast or through joining in with times tables songs, keep practising! Year 1 focus on 2s, 5s and 10s. Year 2 focus on 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

Today we are going to focus on odd and even numbers. What is an even number? A even number can always be split equally and ends in a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 9. An odd number can not be split equally and always end in a 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.

Listen to the video’s below to:


Below are links to some odd and even number songs you can learn:



Year 1

Have a go at the game below where you need to sort the numbers into add and even groups.

What are odd and even numbers? – BBC Bitesize

Below is an activity I would like you to have a go at where you need to sort the numicon shapes into odd and even piles.

Year 1 – numicon cards to 20


Year 2

Click on the link below to have a go at the odd and even game.

Coconut Odd or Even – Topmarks

Have a go at the activity below where you need to find the odd and even numbers and then put them in order.

Year 2 – Monday – odd and even numbers

Harder challenge: Year 2 – Monday – odd and even numbers



Language/ Phonics

Today we are going to continue with our work on our reports. If you have not finished planning for report sections and researching your facts then please carry on with this first.

If you have finished your plan and have found our all the facts to go under your subheadings then today I would like you to start writing your report. Below are a few examples of how you can present your report.



Below is a template of a report that you can use if you want to. It is up to you how you present your report but make sure that have included as many features of a report as you can:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Sub-headings
  • Paragraphs
  • Pictures
  • Captions

Report layout template


I know a few of you have already written your reports so I would like you to redraft your report using one of the templates above, or your own, and try to add 2 more interesting fun facts about your chosen animal. Or, write about your weekend, remember it will need to be written in the past tense e.g. I went .. I saw… I heard .. I had… 



This afternoon we are going to focus on our Welsh reading. Mae hi’n amser Tric a Chilic. Below are videos the sounds and flashcard words, I would like you to listen to the colour pack that you were working on in class and have a go joining in. For those of you who were on the first pack (yellow pack) I would like you to move onto the blue pack today.

Join in with the videos by having a go at saying the letter sounds and reading the words.

After you have listened to the video, have a go at the activity below linked to your colour pack.


Tric a Chlic – blue set matching activity

Tric a Chlic – green set matching activity

Tric a Chlic – pink set matching activity




Today is St Dwynwen’s day (Welsh Valentines Day). If you have Lego at home, why not try making a heart shape out of bricks? Can you make hearts of different sizes? How many lego bricks did you use?

St Dwynwens Day Building Brick Flashcards

Why not make a special picture or card for a loved one to show them how much you care? Or you could make a heart from different craft materials such as paper, glitter, fabric, foam, colouring to give to someone special.


Or you could make a ‘love spoon’ for someone special if you have some wooden spoons and paints lying around. You could add gems or ribbon to make it special!



Today we are going to continue with our activities on odd and even numbers.

Year 1 

Can you find all the odd numbers and colour them in one colour and then colour the even numbers in another colour?

Year 1 – odd and even numebrs to 20

Year 1 – odd and even colouring to 20


Year 2

Have a go at the activities below:

Year 2 – even or odd activity

If you want to challenge yourself have a go at this activity: Challenge – Year 2 – even and odd number activity



Language/ Phonics

Today I would like you to continue working on your report about your chosen farm animal.

If you have completed your report I would like you to work on your tricky words from last week. Continue to practise reading and writing the words on the phase list you are working on.

Phonics tricky word mat

Have a go at practise your words in different ways.

  • Rainbow writing
  • Making the words out of pasta
  • Writing the words in flour/ salt or glitter
  • Writing the words outdoors with chalk
  • Using paint to write the words

Have a look at the links below for some activities and games you can play to help you learn your tricky words.

Phase 2 tricky words – Hidden Words Phonics Game Phase 3 Tricky Words – Hidden Words Phonics Game Phase 4 Tricky Words – Hidden Words Phonics Game Phase 5 Tricky Words – Hidden Words Phonics Game



This afternoon we are going to focus on our farm topic. Lots of you were interested in finding out about the role of the different animals on the farm.


Today I would like you to listen to the story below called ‘What if?’ by A.H.Benjamin and Jane Chapman. When listening to the story I would like you to listen to the different jobs and roles the farm animals have.


  • Can you write a list of the different farm animals that live on Buttercup Farm? Click on the link below for a worksheet template or complete on paper or on HWB. Topic – Tuesday – Buttercup Farm animal list
  • Can you write to tell me about the different jobs that the animals have on Buttercup farm? For example the rooster crows every morning to wake the farm. Have a go at writing the job of the other animals on the farm. You can do this on paper or type it on HWB.



Bore da, Good morning,

Well done to those of you who shared your work with me yesterday and joined our meeting. I was able to give out lots of stars, remember you can check how many stars you have by going to J2Stars. I was very impressed with the lists many of your wrote explaining the different jobs the animals on Buttercup Farm had. Excellent work on odd and even numbers yesterday too, da iawn!

Below are the activities I would like you to do today.


Year 1

Today we are going to continue working on our odd and even numbers. Have a go at the problem solving activities below.

Year 1 odd and even problem solving cards

 Year 2

Today we are going to continue working on our odd and even numbers. I would like you to have a go at the problem solving activity below.

Year 2 – odd and even numbers problem solving


Language/ Phonics

Today we are going to continue working on our phonics.

Year 1

Today we are going to move onto focusing on the ‘sh’ blend. Can you think of any words that have the sh sound in at the start of the word or at the end of the word?

Have a listen to the videos below.


Have a go at listening to the video below and join in with reading the words if you can.


There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today, work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose 1 or two activities to try today.



Year 2

Today we are going to carrying on focusing on our phase 4 initial consonant  blends. Listen to the video below.


Today we are going to focus on ‘cr’

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today please work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose two activities to try today.



Revision – the ‘cr’ blend worksheet (



This afternoon we are going to continue our activities on farm animals. Yesterday you done an excellent job at listening to the story ‘What if?’ and talking about the different jobs that the animals have on the farm.

Today we are going to think about where the different animals live on the farm.

Can you talk about where you think the different animals stay? Where do the sheep sleep? Where do the chickens stay? Write your ideas down before you look at the PowerPoint below.

Topic – Wednesday – Where animals live


Can you match the animal to their home? Topic – Wednesday – animal homes

Further activities

Can you choose one animal and create an information poster about this animal? Use the animal that you chose to write your report on and use some of these facts on your poster. Don’t forget to include a title for your poster and remember it needs to be big and bold to stand out. Include lots of pictures on your poster too.

Draw some pictures of farm animals and have a go at labelling them in Welsh. Can you remember the names of them? You can look back at the video from last week to remind you if you need to.



Year 1

Today we are going to continue our work on odd and even numbers. Have a go at the games and activities below.

Year 1 – Thursday – odd and even numbers

Odd and Even | Doorway Online


Year 2

Have a  go at the odd and even activities below:

Year 1 – Thursday – odd and even numbers

Carroll Diagrams Odd and Even (

Catch A Star || Odd or Even Numbers – mobile friendly (



Language/ Phonics

Today I would like you to practise your sentence writing. Remember when we write a sentence, we need a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of your sentence.

Remember to think about what you want to write first, then say it out loud before you write it.

Year 1 

Using the writing prompt sheets below, write a sentence about each picture. Remember to use capital letters and full stops. Try to add some adjectives (describing words) into your sentence if you can. For example, The sheep is white and woolly and baa’s loudly.

Year 1 – Farm sentence writing activity


Year 2

I would like you to write some sentences about the pictures on the sheets below. Try to extend your sentences by using a connective such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’. Add some adjectives (describing words) into your sentences to make them interesting.

Year 2 – farm sentence writing activity




This afternoon I would like you to use your skills from this morning language session to write about what you would see on a farm. You can use the template below to draw a pictures of your ideas and to write your sentences.

For example:

On the farm I could see a sheepdog running fast to herd the sheep.


Year 1

Try to use some adjectives in your writing and don’t forget to use a capital letter and full stop.


Topic – At the Farm writing activity


Year 2

I would like you to have a go at extending your sentences by using the words ‘because’, ‘and’ or ‘but’. Have a go at adding adjectives to improve your sentences too, and don’t forget to use capital letters and full stops.

Topic – At the farm writing activity – year 2



Good morning Class 3

Well done to all for completing another week of online learning! You have worked so hard this week and have earned lots of stars, well done boys and girls!

Here are your activities for today.  


Today is our final day to focus on odd and even numbers. Have you noticed a pattern in how to recognise odd and even numbers? Have a go at the activities below.


Year 1

Year 1 – Friday – odd and even

Year 1 – odd and even – Friday


Year 2

Year 2 – Friday – odd and even

Year 2 – Friday – odd and even numbers



Language/ Phonics

Today I would like you to continue with your phonic work.

Year 1 – continue with ‘sh’

Year 2 – continue with ‘cr’

Below are the links to the activities, have a go at the ones that you have not completed.

Year 1



Year 2


Revision – the ‘cr’ blend worksheet (


This afternoon I would like you to spend the time to catch up on any activities that you have not had a go at this week. Talk to a grown up to tell them what your favorite activity has been this week, you can share this with me too on HWB- JIT5 if you’d like to.

Well done to all of you for your hard work this week. I am very proud of you all. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 10am for our teams meeting.

Have a lovely weekend, have fun and keep safe,

Miss Evans



Class 3: Distance Learning WB 18th January 2021








Good morning boys and girls,

Here we start another week of our distance learning activities. We will continue to have our class team meetings at 10am everyday, keep joining in with these each day if you can. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all.

I am so proud of how hard you all worked last week. This week I will be giving rewards through J2Stars for when you join our teams meetings and for your work, so remember to keep sharing this with me whether it is through HWB, email or a paper copy. You will be able to find J2Stars on our J2Launch page. I will explain more about this in our teams meeting this morning.

Below are the activities I would like you to do today.




ALL – this week I would like you all to practise your 5 times tables everyday as this will help you with your activities towards the end of the week.


We are going to continue with a few time activities again this week. You all done a very good job with time last week, so we are going to build on these skills and have a go at some time problem solving activities. 


Year 1

Today I would like you to have a go at showing me the different times for an hour before/ an hour after the times that are given.

So if the clock is showing 5 o’clock, what time would it show an hour before? That’s right, 4 o’clock. What time would it show an hour after? That’s right 6 o’clock.

Click on the link below to have a go at the activity sheet. If you are unable to print, ask a grown up to help you draw the clocks and complete on a piece of paper or you can complete it on HWB; I have shared the file with you.

 Year 1 – Monday – hour before and after activity


Year 2

Today we are going to continue our work on time. Have a go at the quiz below to warm up.

Year 2 – Monday – Time quiz

Main task:

Today I would like you to practise telling the time at quarter to and quarter past.

Click on the link below to have a go at the activity sheet. If you are unable to print, ask a grown up to help you draw the clocks and complete on a piece of paper or you can complete it on HWB; I have shared the file with you.

Year 2 – Monday – quarter past and quarter to


Language/ Phonics

*Remember to keep practising your tricky words everyday. Continue to focus on the phase you are currently working on, making sure that you can read and write all the words from memory before moving onto the next phase.

Year 1

Today we are going to focus on the digraph ‘ch’. Can you think of any words that have the ‘ch’ sound in them? Have a listen too the video’s below and then have a go at the activities that follow.

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today, work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose 1 or two activities to try today.

I have shared a few of these activities on HWB with you if you would like to complete them through there.


Year 1 – Phonics – highlight the ‘ch’

Year 1 – phonics – read and write ch words – flower

Year 1 – phonics – write the ch words

  • Write a list of as many ‘ch’ words as you can think of. Can you draw some pictures to match?
  • Can you choose 2 words and have a go at writing them in a sentence?


Year 2

Today we are going to carrying on focusing on our phase 4 initial consonant  blends. Listen to the video below.

Today we are going to focus on ‘br’. 

There are a few activities below I would like you to have go at. You do not have to complete them all today please work through them during the week. I will put up during our daily work when to focus on them. Choose 1 or two activities to try today.

I have shared a few of these activities on HWB with you if you would like to complete them through there.





This week we are going to explore some of things that you have said you want to learn about on your mind maps.

Below is a video I would like you to watch of a virtual tour of Wigfields Farm which is a working farm in Barnsley. After you have watched a video have a go at some of the activities below. You can write the answers to these questions in your notebook or type them on JIT5.


  • Can you write a list of the names of the farm animals you saw at Wigfield farm?
  • In the video we heard of where some of the farm animals sleep, can you name any of these places and tell me what animals sleep there? For example, cows sleep in a ____.
  • In the video it named a few of the young (baby) animals, can you remember what they are called? For example; a baby sheep is called a _____.
  • Can you tell me what your favourite farm animal is and why? Year 2 – have a go at finding out some facts about your favourite animal too. There is a sheet below you can print to complete this activity or write it into your notebook or complete through HWB, I have shared the file with you.

My favourite farm animal


Enjoy completing these activities today. Remember  the phonics is there for the week so dip in and out of this, try 1 or 2 activities today. I look forward to being able to give out lots of stars today , so keep sharing your work with me.

If you have any questions you can email me,

Miss Evans



Year 1:

Today I would like you to focus on o’clock and have a go at the problem solving activity below.

Year 1 – Tuesday – o’clock problem solving

Year 1 – Tuesday – problem solving answers


Year 2:

Today I would like you to focus on quarter past and quarter to. Have a go at the problem solving activity below.

Year 2 – Tuesday – Quarter past and quarter to problem solving activity

Year 2 – Tuesday – problem solving answer sheet


Language/ Phonics

For our writing focus we are going to be learning how to write a non-chronological report. Do you know what a report is? A report gives you information about something. Click on the link below to see what features we need to include in a report:

features of a non-chronological report


Our report this term is going to be about a farm animal to link with our topic work.

Have a look below for some examples of report writing.

Hedgehog report example

Tiger report example



Can you find these features on one of the report examples? Have a go at labelling it – write the feature next to it on the report.

  • Heading
  • Introduction – a short paragraph to explain what the report is about.
  • Sub-heading
  • Paragraphs
  • Bullet points
  • Pictures
  • Captions


This afternoon we are going to have a go at learning the names of farm animals in Welsh.

Have a listen to the video below and have a go at joining in with how to say the names of the farm animals in Welsh.

Below is another video I would like you to listen to. We are going to practise asking ‘Pwy sydd ar y fferm? (Who is on the farm?)



Can you label the names of the farm animals in Welsh?

Can you tell me who is on the farm?

The link to the worksheets are below, I have also shared these on HWB with you if you want to complete it on HWB. 

Welsh – Tuesday – naming farm animals

Welsh – Tuesday – Pwy sydd ar y fferm?





Year 1:

Today I would like you to focus on half past and have a go at the problem solving activity below.

Year 1 – Wednesday – half past problem solving


Year 2:

Today I would like you to continue with our problem solving activities linked to time. Have a go at the activity below.

Year 2 – Wednesday – problem solving time activity

Year 2 – Wednesday – problem solving answers



Language/ Phonics


Yesterday we starting looking at how to write a non-chronological reports. Have a look at the powerpoint below, ask a grown up or an older sibling to help you read through it.

Wednesday – Report example – Dusty’s Report – Garden Insects


Today I would like you to start thinking about what farm animal you would like to write a report about.

What do you want people to know about the farm animal you have chosen?

I would like you to start to plan what you are going to include in your report. Have a look at the example below.

EXAMPLE – What information I will have in my report


Have a go at planning your own report sections on the sheet below.

Year 1 – include at least 3 sections.

Year 2 – include 5 sections.

My report section plan


If you are unable to print this, please complete on paper and send me a photo of it/ upload to HWB or complete it on HWB. I have shared the file with you.



This afternoon I would like you to practise your handwriting. Have a look at the posters below to check the correct formation of the letters.

Handwriting – curly caterpillar letters poster

Handwriting – ladder letters poster

Handwriting – one armed robot letters

Handwriting – Zigzag monster letters

Today I would like you to start focusing on the curly caterpillar letters and if you form all the letters correctly, move onto the next set. In our teams meeting today we will look at the formation of these together and will discuss the other letters too.

Year 1: 

Have a go at the handwriting activity below:

Year 1 – handwriting

Below is a link to tricky words handwriting and common words handwriting. Move onto having a go at one of these if you feel confident with your letter formation. Make sure your ladder letters are tall and your lazy letters (ones that go under the line) are below the lines.

Wednesday – handwriting – tricky words


Year 2:

Below is the handwriting lines I would like to use to practise your letter formation.

Handwriting lines

Below is a link to tricky words handwriting and common words handwriting. Move onto having a go at one of these if you feel confident with your letter formation. Make sure your ladder letters are tall and your lazy letters (ones that go under the line) are below the lines.

Wednesday – handwriting – tricky words





Well done boys and girls for how hard you have worked on time again this week. Today we are going to move onto to focusing on multiplication.

Year 1

Today I would like you to practise your 5 times tables. If you go to HWB-J2E-J2Blast you can have a go at practising your 5 times tables with the games on there too and the work you do on there will automatically save to HWB so I can see how you got on.

Have a look at the video and join in. Keep practising these everyday.


Here is a times table poster you can look at to help you in the beginning of learning the 5 times tables.

Year 1 – 5 times table poster

Complete 2 of the activities below, you can do more if you wish to. 

Have a go at ordering the cards; counting in 5s. Year 1 – counting in 5s cards to order

Have a go at filling in the missing numbers in the 5 times tables:

Year 1 – Thursday – counting in 5s missing numbers

Year 1 – Thursday – 5 times tables


Year 2

Today I would like you to practise your 3 times tables. If you go to HWB-J2E-J2Blast you can have a go at practising your 5 times tables with the games on there too and the work you do on there will automatically save to HWB so I can see how you got on.

Have a look at the video and join in. Keep practising these everyday.


Complete 2 of the activities below, you can do more if you wish to. 

Have a go at ordering the cards; counting in 3s (try to go to 36, go further if you can) Year 2 – Thursday – counting in 3 cards to order

Year 2 – Thursday – 3 times tables

Year 2 – Friday – Counting in 3s

Year 2 – Thursday – counting in 3s


Language/ Phonics

Today I would like you to continue with your phonic work.

Year 1 – continue with ‘ch’

Year 2 – continue with ‘br’

Below are the links to the activities, have a go at the ones that you have not completed. I have also added new activities for you to try if you have completed all of the others. 

Year 1

Year 1 – Phonics – highlight the ‘ch’

Year 1 – phonics – read and write ch words – flower

Year 1 – phonics – write the ch words

  • Write a list of as many ‘ch’ words as you can think of. Can you draw some pictures to match?
  • Can you choose 2 words and have a go at writing them in a sentenc

New activities

New – Year 1 – read and circle the ch words

New activity – Year 1 – unscramble the ch words

New activity – Year 1 – ch words

New activity – Year 1 – Find and write the ch words


Year 2


New activities

New – Year 2 – Br four in a row game

New – Year 2 – br game

New – Year 2 – read and find the br words



This afternoon we are going to continue with our topic activities. Well done to those of you who listened to the video about Wigfield farm on Monday, I can tell you listened carefully from your lists you wrote of the farm animals you saw, along with facts about where they sleep and the names of some of the young animals. Well done.

Today I would like you to watch and listen carefully to the video below from Wigfield Farm. Before you watch the video, talk to a grown up to share your ideas about the following:

How do you think farm animals are looked after?


Can you write a list to tell me all the different ways that the animals are looked after on Wigfield farm.

Write your list on paper/ in a notebook or on HWB. Remember to share it with me by uploading it to HWB or emailing me your work.






Today we are going to continue to practise our times tables. Year 1 I would like you to carry on with the 5 times tables activities below and year 2 continue with the 3 times tables.

Year 1

Complete 2 of the activities below, you can do more if you wish to. 

Year 1 – Friday – counting in 5s

Year 1 – 5 times tables – build a house game

If you are feeling very clever here is a link to an activity to count in 5s all the way to 100! Year 1 – Thursday – counting in 5s up to 100 – harder challenge

Year 1 – Friday – 5 times tables practise


Year 2

Today we are going to continue practising the 3 times tables. Have a go at the activities below:

Year 2 – Friday – 3 times tables

Year 2 – Friday – multiplication wheel


Language/ Phonics 

Today I would like you to start planning your report. Use the subheadings you thought of in the previous session and research to find facts to go under each section you have decided to include in your report.

Below are some links to websites you can have a look at to find out facts about your chosen farm animal:

Interesting Facts About Farm Animals • MSPCA-Angell

Fun facts about farm animals – Official Kids Mag

Pig (

Sheep Facts for Kids (All You Need to Know!) (

Amazing Cow Facts for Kids – Kids Play and Create

This afternoon I would like you to spend the time to catch up on any activities that you have not had a go at this week. Talk to a grown up to tell them what your favorite activity has been this week, you can share this with me too on HWB- JIT5 if you’d like to.

Well done to all of you for your hard work this week. I am very proud of you all. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 10am for our teams meeting.

Have a lovely weekend, have fun and keep safe,

Miss Evans



Important update:

Well done to all those of you who joined our meeting today. It was lovely to see lots more of you join today. 

If you are having any problems logging into HWB/ accessing teams please see the guide below or email me with any questions you have; The document below is a step by step guide to how to access the Teams meeting. 

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all every weekday at 10am.



Class 3: Distance learning for WB 11th January 2021


Bore da Dosbarth 3,

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all at 10am this morning for our teams meeting.

I hope you all enjoyed the distance learning activities last week. Well done to the few of you who have shared your work with me on HWB, I can see that you worked very hard and it was lovely to hear about the fun you had at Christmas time.

It is very important that you keep sharing your work with me so that I can see how you are getting on. If you are unsure how to upload pictures of your work to HWB then please ask a grown up to take a photograph of your work and send it to me in an email; I can then add it to your HWB file. You can also complete many of the tasks through HWB using JIT5 so I will be able to see the progress you are making.

I have uploaded a video here to show you how to access shared files through HWB. Many activities you can complete on paper or through HWB where I have shared the files with you.

Here is a video to show you how to upload your work to J2E. You can upload your pictures of your work this way or you can email photos of your work using any normal email address. If you have taken a photo of your child’s work on your phone, if you log into HWB on your phone and follow the same steps as below you will be able to upload the photos. Any questions please don’t hesitate to email me.


Below are the activities I would like you to complete each day, keep checking our distance learning page daily as I will update it as we move through the week.







This week our math focus is going to be on time.

The first thing I would like you all do to is to make your own clock, you can be as creative with this as you wish by using paper plates, card, or there is a link below to ones that you can print and colour. Please make your clock today and keep it safe as you will use this throughout the week to complete your activities.  Have a look below for ideas on how to create a clock or to print out the template below.

Clock template


Year 1 – have a go at labelling o’clock and half past on your clock.


Year 2 – try to label on your clock, o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. Can you have a go at adding the minutes past too? Have a look at the examples below.
















Once you have made your clock I would like you to have a go at the following:


Year 1:

Today I would like to practise showing o’clock times on your clock. Remember the rule, the big hand needs to be pointing at the number 12 and the small hand needs to point at the hour.

Click on the link below to view the times I would like you to have a go at. Ask a grown up to take some photos of you having a go at this and upload them to HWB or email them to me.

Year 1 o’clock time cards


Year 2

Today I would like you recap on and practise showing o’clock and half past times on your clock. Remember the rule for o’clock; the big hand always points to the 12 and the small hand points to the hour. Remember the rule for half past; the big hand always points to 6 and the small hand goes in between the hour it has passed.

Click on the link below to view the times I would like you to have a go at. Ask a grown up to take some photos of you having a go at this and upload them to HWB or email them to me.

Year 2 o’clock and half past cards



Language/ Phonics

Here is the link to the phonic blends songs, keep practising these each day like we do in class.


Year 1

Task 1 – For those of you who have not yet started looking at the blends I would like you to have a go at some of the CVC word building activities below.

CVC word building

Then have a go at the first blend ‘ai’. Can you write ‘ai’ in lots of different colours? Can you think of words with ‘ai’ sound in it and have a go at writing it? Write it down in your notebook or use JIT5 to record


Task 2 – I would like you to recap on the blends that we have visited so far in our writing; ai, ie, oa, ee and or. Make sure you remember what two letters go together to write the blend.

There is a spelling sheet below I would like you to use to practise these each day this week. Ask a grown up to test you on them on Friday to see how many you can remember how to spell.

Year 1 – phonic blends spelling practise


Below is an activity I would like you to have a go at where you need to label the pictures. Each picture will have a blend in that we have been working on. You can either print the sheet out below or you can access it in your shared files on HWB. Please remember to upload a picture of your work to HWB or send it in an email to me.

Year 1 phonics – label the pictures



Year 2

Before the Christmas holidays we looked at the trigraphs ‘air’ and ‘igh’. Before we move on I would like us to recap on these today. Have a listen to the two video’s below:


Following listening to the video’s can you have a go at listing as many ‘air’ and ‘igh’ words as you can?

Either do this on paper or use JIT5 to type yours words or go onto mix and have a go at typing the words and drawing a picture to match, I have shared a file with you on HWB for this. 

Remember if you do this paper, upload a picture of your work to HWB or email it to me so I can see how you have got on.



When we were last altogether before the Christmas holidays we discussed what we would like our topic to be this term and we decided that we were interested in finding out all about farm animals and how a farm works.


Today I would like you to start off our topic in the same way we always start our topics by creating two mindmaps:

  • What I already know about farms and farm animals.
  • What I would like to learn about farms and farm animals.


Think about the points below to help you with your first mindmap (What I already know)

  • Can you name any farm animals that you already know?
  • Can you tell me anything about what a farmer does?
  • Do you know of any food items that come from a farm?
  • Do you know of any jobs the farmer has to do?


Be as creative as you can with your mindmap, add pictures of farm animals to it if you’d like to and make it colourful.

Don’t worry if you do not know lots of answers for these questions yet, just have a go at the ones you know. By the end of our topic you will to able to write lots about these things as we learn about them.


Here are some ideas for your second mind up; what I want to learn about farm animals and farms:

  • What foods to _____ eat?
  • What does a sheepdog do?
  • What jobs does a farmer do?
  • Where do the farm animals sleep?
  • What foods come from a farm?


Click on the links below for your mindmap sheet. If you are unable to print this then please complete in your notebook or a piece of paper. Make sure your work is neatly presented, use your best handwriting. It is very important that you share your work with me so that we can carry out lots of activities on the things that you want to learn more about, so please make sure you share this with me on HWB or email me a photo of your work.

I have shared a file with you on HWB if you want to complete your topic work through there, it will be in your shared files.

Mindmap – what I know about farms and farm animals

Mindmap – what I want to learn about farms and farm animals

I hope you enjoy these activities today. Remember you can email me at any time if you have any questions;




Bore da Class 3,

Below are the activities that I would like you to complete today.


Year 1:

Warm up activity – have a go at matching the o’clock times to the correct picture.

Year 1 – o’clock matching game

Main task – print out the sheet below and draw the hands on the clock so how the o’clock times. Remember the big hand always points to the 12 and the small hand points to the hour.

Year 1 o’clock time worksheets

If you are unable to print the sheet, ask a grown up to draw small clocks on a piece of paper and then draw on the hands to show different o’clock times. Alternatively I had shared a file with you on HWB that you can access to draw the hands on the clock. View the video below to see how to access this file.

Year 2

Warm up: click on the link below to have a go at a game where you need to read the times on the clock.

Telling the Time – Mathsframe


Main task – print out the sheets below and draw the hands on the face to show the o’clock and half past times.

Worksheet year 2 – o’clock-and-halfpast-times

Year 2 o’clock and half past cards

Extension activity

If you finish the above activities below are two extension activities you can have a go at.

Year 2 – writing the time at o’clock and half past

Year 2 – writing the time an hour before and after

If you are unable to print the sheet, ask a grown up to draw small clocks on a piece of paper and draw on the hands to show the different o’clock and half past time. Alternatively I had shared a file with you on HWB that you can access to draw the hands on the clock. View the video above to see how to access this file.


Language / phonics

Today we are going to focus on verbs. Can you remember what a verb is? That’s right it is an action word, it describes what someone is doing or how they are feeling.

Have a listen to the video below:

What is a verb? – BBC Bitesize

Below is a PowerPoint I would like you to have a look at. Can you find the verbs in the sentences?

PowerPoint What is a verb


Year 1:

Have a go at the activity below. Can you choose a verb put in the missing gap to complete the sentence?

Year 1 -missing verb activity

If you are feeling very clever today have a go at the extension activity below:

Can you write a list of verbs? How many can you name? Maybe you can have a go at carrying out some of the action verbs e.g. jump, hop, skip.

*If you are unable to print the worksheet please write out the sentences into your notebook or type them up on JIT5. Remember if you complete them on the sheet, please share a photo of your work with me so I can see how you have got on. 


Year 2:

Task: Can you highlight the verbs in the sentence? Can you write your own sentence with a verb in?

Year 2 – finding the verbs and writing a sentence

Extension activity:

Write a list of as many verbs as you can think of. Can you draw a picture to match? Remember when we write a list we write down the page. Have a go at putting at least 3 words that you have put on your list into an interesting sentence. Don’t forget to make sure your sentence has a capital letter and full stop.



Well done to those of you who completed your mindmaps yesterday. Please make sure that you share your  ‘What I want to learn about’ mindmap with me so that we focus on lots of the things that you are interested in.


Year 1

Task 1: Can you write a list of as many farm animals as you can name? Remember when we write a list we write the words underneath each other going down the page. You can ask a grown up or a sibling to help you with the spelling of farm animal names your unsure of. Have a go at sounding out as many of them on your own as you can.

You can do this on paper/ in your notebook or on JIT5.


Year 2

Task 1: Write a list of as many farm animals as you can and draw a picture to match.

Task 2: Choose one farm animal and write 3 facts about it. Challenge: Write more than 3 facts if you can!


Enjoy the activities for today. If you have any questions you can email me on Keep sharing your work with me,

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all for our teams meeting at 10am tomorrow.







Important reminder: Please make sure that you child completes the correct activities. I have put a subheading at the start of each activity – Year 1/ Year 2 so that you know what one your child needs to have a go at.


Well done to those of you who joined in our teams meeting today, you all done a great job at showing me the different times I called out on your clocks that you have been busy making. Da iawn! Bring your clocks again to tomorrow’s teams meeting.


Year 1:

Today I would like you to practise showing half past times on your clock. Can you use the clocks that you made to have a go at showing me the times? Listen to the video below and have a go with me.



Well done for having a go at showing the half past times with me.

Click on the link below to view half past time cards and keep practising showing these times on your clock.

Year 1 – half past time cards


Year 1 –  Main task:

Can you read the clocks to tell me what time it is? Click on the link below for your worksheet.

If you are unable to print this then please write the answers into your notebook or you can complete the activity through HWB – the file is in your shared file.

 Year 1 – reading the time at half past


Year 2:

Today we are going to learn to show the time at quarter past. Do you know what number the big hand needs to point at? How many minutes past is quarter past? Have a look at the video below, have your clocks ready with you and have a go along with me.

Year 2: Main task 1:

Using the clocks that you have made, can you show the different times on the clock? Click on the link below to see what times I would like you to have a go at.

Year 2 – quarter past time cards


Task 2:

Can you draw the hands on the clock to show the different quarter past times? Click on the link below for the worksheet. If you are unable to print, have a grown up to help you draw the face of a clock and then draw the hands on or you can complete the activity on HWB – I have shared the file with you.

Year 2 – draw the quarter past times




Year 1: 

Today we are going to focus on our next blend which is ‘ng’. Listen to the video below and then have a go at the short activities that follow.


Year 1 activities:

  • To help you remember how to spell the ‘ng’ blend, practise writing it in lots of different ways and in different colours. How colourful can you make your page?


  • Can you write as many words with the ‘ng’ blend as you can think of? Have a go at drawing a picture to match your words too. (You can do this on a plain piece of paper/in your notebook or on HWB)


Year 2:

We are going to move on to learning Phase 4 phonic blends and clusters. Have a listen to the video below to hear the ones we will be working on next. Listen to this daily and have a go at joining in with them.

Today we are going to focus on ‘st’. Have a listen to the video below and join in with reading the words.


Year 2 activities:

  • Write a list of as many ‘st’ words as you can think of. Draw pictures to match the words if you can. You can do this on a plain piece of paper/in your notebook or on HWB.


  • Choose at least 3 words from your list and write them in an interesting sentence. Have a go at writing more than 3 sentences if you can.




Well done to those of you who have shared your mindmaps with me so far this week, please make sure you share it with me by the end of the week if you have not already done so.


This afternoon I would like you to have a go at using JIT5 Paint to draw some pictures of farm animals. I would like you to practise using the different tools to change the size of the brush, using the fill tool, adding the animated pictures and creating backgrounds.

Have fun with it and be as creative as you can. You can do more than one drawing. Don’t forget to save your work.


Have a look at the video below if you are unsure of how to use paint.

Enjoy these activities today. If you have any questions email me at Please continue to share your work with me by uploading it to HWB or emailing it to me.

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow at 10am.











Year 1:

Today I would like you to have a go at drawing the different half past times on the clock faces. Click on the link below for your worksheet.

If you are unable to print this then please write the answers into your notebook or you can complete the activity through HWB – the file is in your shared file.

Year 1 – draw the half past times on the clock


Extension activity:

Have a little go at the time game below:

Telling the Time – Mathsframe


Year 2:

Today I would like you to write the times that are showing on the clocks on the worksheet below.

Year 2 – Thursday – quarter past worksheet


Extension activity:

  • Keep practising showing different times on your clock; o’clock, half past and quarter past times.

Have a little go at the time games below:

Telling the Time – Mathsframe

Time Games for Kids Online – SplashLearn


Language/ Phonics

Today I would like you to focus on writing your tricky words. Below is a sheet to show phase 2 – phase 5 tricky words.

Phonics tricky word mat

Year 1

The first thing I would like you to do is to ask a grown up to test you on the tricky words to see how many you know on phase 2. If you know how to read and write most of the words, move onto phase 3.

You can practise these words in lots of different ways to make it fun. You could:

  • Rainbow write the words – write them in as many different colours as you can.
  • Write the words in flour/ salt or glitter
  • Write them outdoors on the floor using chalk
  • Write them outdoors on the floor using water and a paintbrush
  • Paint the words
  • Practise your typing skills and practise typing your words.


Below I have attached the tricky word booklets, have a go at working through the phase that you are currently on. Try to do a page every few days and practise reading/spelling some of the words everyday.

Phase 2 tricky word booklet

Phase 3 tricky word booklet


Year 2:

The first thing I would like you to do is to ask a grown up to test you on the tricky words to see how many you know on phase 3. If you know how to read and write most of the words, move onto phase 4 or 5.

You can practise these words in lots of different ways to make it fun. You could:

  • Rainbow write the words – write them in as many different colours as you can.
  • Write the words in flour/ salt or glitter
  • Write them outdoors on the floor using chalk
  • Write them outdoors on the floor using water and a paintbrush
  • Paint the words
  • Practise your typing skills and practise typing your words.
  • Can you write some of the words in a sentence?

Below I have attached the tricky word booklets, have a go at working through the phase that you are currently on. Try to do a page every few days and practise reading/spelling some of the words everyday.

Phase 3 tricky word booklet

Phase 4 tricky word booklet

Phase 5 tricky word booklet



This afternoon is our PE session so I would like you to be active this afternoon.  Have a look at some of the ideas below for what you could do. I would like you to focus on ‘Movement’ today.

  • Can you set up an obstacle course in your garden? Can you find something that you have to jump over/ climb under / go around?
  • Can you travel in different ways? Can you stretch and make yourself as tall as can be, or crawl and be small.
  • Can you hop, skip and jump?
  • Go out for a ride on your bike/ scooter with a grown up.
  • Can you count how many star jumps you can do in one minute? Can you try again and beat your first score?

If the weather is bad, click on the videos below and have a go at doing some Cosmic yoga or five a day fitness.




Well done to everyone for working so hard this week, I am very proud of all of you. You have done fantastic with joining our teams meetings this week and with uploading and sharing your work with me. You are all superstars!

Below are the activities I would like you to have a go at today.



Year 1:

This week we have been learning to tell the time showing o’clock and half past times. Have a go at the sheet below where there is a mixture of o’clock and half past times to read and to show on the clocks.

Year 1 – Friday – o’clock and half past


Extension activity:

Year 1 – mixed o’clock and half past times


Year 2

Today we are going to focus on quarter to. Do you know what number the big hand needs to point at? How many minutes past is quarter to?

That’s right, the big hand needs to point to the number 9. Quarter to means it is 45 minutes.


Main task:

Using the clocks that you have made, can you show the different times on the clock? Click on the link below to see what times I would like you to have a go at.

Year 2 – quarter to time cards


Extension Task:

Can you draw the hands on the clock to show the different quarter past times and read the times on the clock?

Year 2 – quarter to worksheet


Language/ Phonics


*Remember to keep practising a few words from your tricky word phase each day.


On Tuesday we completed an activity all about verbs. Can you remember what a verb is? That’s right is an action/doing word.

Today we are going to focus on using ‘Powerful verbs’. Have a look at the PowerPoint below.

Powerful verbs


Year 1:

Click on the link below to have a go at using powerful verbs.

Year 1 – powerful verbs


Year 2:

Click on the link below to have a go at using powerful verbs.

Year 2 – Powerful verbs


This afternoon I would like you to spend the time to catch up on any activities that you have not had a go at this week. Talk to a grown up to tell them what your favorite activity has been this week, you can share this with me too on HWB- JIT5 if you’d like to.

Well done to all of you for your hard work this week. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 10am for our teams meeting.

Miss Evans

Class 3: Distance Learning for 6th – 8th January


Important update:

Today I have set up Teams Video meeting invite for Monday 11th January at 10am for us to have a class check in. You should have all received an email to your HWB address inviting you to the meeting. You need your HWB username and password to login to view this on Outloook . If you have not received your meeting invite please email me to let me know;  The document below is a step by step guide to how to access the Teams meeting. 

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 10am.



Good morning Class 3,

Happy new year to you all and your families. I hope you had lots of fun over the Christmas holidays and have all kept safe and well. Below are the activities I would like you to have a go at this week. I know some of you do not have access to a printer so many of the tasks can be completed on paper, in a notebook or on HWB. Please keep your work safe and bring it in to school when we return. Please upload a photo of your work each day to HWB if you can so I can see how you are getting on. I am looking forward to hearing all about how your Christmas holidays.

Language activities:

Activity 1

  • Can you write about your Christmas Holidays news? Can you write about what you done on Christmas day? Don’t forget to tell me about the gifts that you had too!

Year 1 – have a try at using some simple time connectives in your writing. Can you use first, next and finally?

Year 2 – have a go at using some time connectives in your writing e.g. first, next, then, after that, later and finally.


Activity 2

  • Can you write a ‘Thank you’ letter to Santa to say thank you for the gifts. Maybe you could write about what your favourite gift was and let him know what fun you have had since Christmas day.


Activity 3

  • Can you write about your hopes and wishes for 2021? Have a look at some of the examples below for some ideas:

I want to learn how to ride my bike without stabilisers.

I want to get better at reading.

I hope to go to the park to play with my friends.


Click on the links below to print out a Christmas holiday recount, thank you letter and hopes and wishes template. If you are unable to print, please complete on paper or using J2E.

My Christmas Day News

My New Years Resolutions – Year 1

Thank you letter to Santa

Year 2 – My hopes and wishes


Maths activities

This week we are going to recap on money. Have a go at some of the activities below:

  • Set up a role play toy shop at home. Can you label and price the toys? Have a go at paying for the items in your shop. Year 2 – can you give the correct amount of change?
  • Have a go at asking the question “Ga i…?” – “Can I have…?” when you are asking for items in your shop.


Year 1 activities:

  • Using coins at home can you sort them into groups? Put all of the 1p , 2p coins etc together.
  • Can you find different ways of making 10p? For example, 5p + 5p = 10p. How many other ways can you find of making 10p? Write them down or record them on the sheet below.

Year 1 – Making 10p in different ways


Year 2 activities:

  • Can you pay for the items using the fewest coins? Click on the link below to view the sheet for prices I would like you to have a go at.

Year 2 – Paying for items

  • Can you calculate how much money is in each jar? Click on the link below to view the worksheet.

Year 2 – how much money is in the jar


Have a go at some of the money games below:


Further activities

  • Year 1 – Can you use JIT5 to paint a picture of your favourite toy that you had for Christmas?
  • Year 2 – Go to JIT5 – Mix (black tab at the top right hand side) and draw a picture of your favourite toy and then write about it. Can you tell me why it is your favourite toy?
  • Go to J2Blast and have a go at the spelling and times tables games.
  • Have a go at some star crafts to go with your hopes and wishes for 2021.

Try your best to complete some of these and remember to share some photos of them with me on HWB if you can. If you have any queries you can contact school this week or me directly on;

Enjoy completing these activities this week.

Keep safe, thinking of you all.

Miss Evans

Class 3: Distance learning for 15th-18th December


Bore da Class 3,

Firstly I would like to says how proud I am of each and every one of you for how well you have settled into class 3 this year and for how hard you have all worked! As this week is still a school week, below are some activities for you to have a go at. Try your best to complete some of these and remember to share some photos of them with me on HWB if you can. If you have any queries you can contact school this week or me directly on;



  • On the 1st December we had two Elves join our class, Eric and Eddie who have been up to mischief in class each day. You have all done an excellent job with your diary writing, writing about what the Elves have done each day. I know many of you have got your own elves at home, this week I would like you to write about what your elf has got up to each day. Remember to write the day and date on the top of your diary entry.

  • Our class Elf Eric was our naughty elf and got up to lots of mischief in class. Can you write him a letter to tell him what he needs to do to be a kind and good elf?


  • Year 1 – Can you practise writing your full name? Remember you can do this in lots of fun ways:
  • Rainbow writing
  • Writing in glitter/flour/salt
  • Using chalk
  • Bubble writing


  • Year 2 – over the last few weeks we have been focusing on using capital letters correctly. Can you practise forming your capital letters? Remember you can do this in lots of different ways:
  • Rainbow writing
  • Writing in glitter/flour/salt
  • Using chalk
  • Bubble writing


  • This week I would like you to practise your number formation, making sure that your numbers to 10/20 are correctly shaped and looking the right way. Again, you can practise these in lots of different ways like mentioned above.


  • Over the last few weeks we have been focusing on money in class. Can you set up a little role play toy shop at home and practise paying for toys? If your feeling very clever have a go at using some of the Welsh we have used in our toy shop in class. “Ga i … os gwelwch yn dda?” “Can I have … please?”


Below are some fun craft activity ideas you may wish to have a go at:

You could try one of the activities below using paper plates:


I hope you have fun completing some of these activities this week.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Keep safe and have fun,

Miss Evans



Class 3: Week Beginning 13th July 2020

Bore da Class 3, sut wyt ti? I hope you are all safe and happy and that you enjoyed having a go at some of the activities last week. This is our final week of the year, I can not believe how quick the time has gone! I am very proud of all of you for how hard you have worked this year, both in school and at home. You should all be proud of yourselves too! Our time in class together was cut short but I am sure you will have lots of happy memories of the fun we had during our topics, I know I do! During our ‘Memory Box’ topic we had fun with our ‘Guess Who’ challenge trying to name who’s who from our baby photo’s, making our own memory boxes, shared our special toys and lots more. I am sure you all have lots of memories from our ‘Space’ topic too like discovering the space crash scene outside our class, making our own aliens, learning the story ‘Beegu’, designing and making moon buggies, having our own ‘space shuttle’ in class,  our moon crater experiment that made  lots of mess with flour flying everywhere and lots more!

As this is our last week, I would like you to use this week to ‘catch up’ on any activities you have not completed that you would like to have a go at.

Below are a few activity ideas you may like  to have a go at this week:

  • Write about some of your favourite  memories from Class 3 this year. I would love to hear about them!
  • Have a tea party with your family to celebrate the end of term – put some music on, dance and have fun!
  • Maybe you could bake some cakes for your tea party/ help a grown up to make sandwiches.
  • Make a friendship bracelet/key ring to give to a friend when we go back to school
  • Decorate a pebble

I hope you have a fun week, don’t forget to share your work/ pictures with me on HWB if you can, I would love to see them.

Miss Evans



Class 3: Week Beginning 6th July 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed some of the activities that were here for you last week. We are about to start another week of our distance learning, keep up the excellent work you have been doing, I am very proud of how hard you have worked. For the boys and girls who are back in school for our ‘catch up and check in’ sessions, I would like you to continue to have a go at some of the activities here. We will do activities that go alongside these in class together. Please can you bring your Home Learning Logs to your class session next week.

Below are some activities that you can have a go at this week. If there are any activities that you want to continue with from previous weeks, give them a go this week.


Language activities

Over the last few weeks, you have worked very hard on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have done list writing, story maps, story writing, we have innovated the story and some of you have written your own versions of the story. I have seen that we have had a story about ‘A Very Hungry Unhealthy Caterpillar’, ‘The Very Hungry Bee’ and ‘The Very Hungry Ladybird’. I was very proud of how hard you worked on your stories. Well done boys and girls! If you have not yet had a go at writing your own version of our story, give it a go this week.

This week I would like you to focus on your handwriting, you can do this straight into your home learning logs. You can choose any words to practise writing, it could the days of the week, months of the year, your tricky words, high frequency words, anything you like. Think carefully about your tall and long letters and have a go at joining your letters if you can.

Below I have added two amazing new writing units for you to try if you wish. The first one is all about Brian Bear’s Picnic. You can read or listen to the story and explore it, then there are some activities you can try out such as planning what you would have in your own picnic.

The other unit is all about Superheroes. You can read about the different superheroes and then have a go at making up your own!




Maths activities

Last week we started to revisit time through carrying out lots of practical activities. It was lovely to see some photographs of you ordering coins by value, creating your own shops where you priced your items and practised paying for them. Well done!

This week I would like you to have a go at some of the activities below. We are going to practise totalling amounts, selecting coins to pay for items and giving change.

Year 1 activities                                                                  

Year 1 – giving change

Year 1 – How much money is in my jar

Year 1 – Making values to 10p

Year 1 – Money jars

Year 2 activities

Year 2 – Giving change activity

Year 2 – giving change from 20p

Year 2 – Making values to 25p

Year 2 How much money in the jar





This week I would like you to continue to practise your tricky words and high frequency words. Remember, when you are confident at spelling the words in your current phase, move onto the next phase. Have a look at the links below to see the words you need to focus on.

High frequency words

Next 200 High Frequency words

Tricky words phases

Can you write the words in an interesting sentence? Remember to try to make your sentence a ‘Super Sentence’ by adding adjectives and connective words to extend your sentences such as ‘because’ and ‘and’.


 Topic activities

This week I would like you to continue with your work on honey bees. I would love to see some of the posters/ fact files you have created, try to share a picture of them with me on HWB if you can.

Over the last few weeks we have done lots of activities all about different minibeasts. This week I would like you to plan and design your own minibeast. You can use the planning sheet below to help you. Be as creative and imaginative as you can! Once you have planned your minibeast can you make a model of it? I would love to see pictures of your creations.

Create your own minibeast

I hope you have fun completing some of these activities this week.
Thinking of you all. 
Miss Evans 

Hello, Miss Evans here, today was our first day in welcoming our children back to class 3 and we all had a fantastic day. We very quickly got used to how our classroom looks and the new rules we need to follow to keep us safe. We all have our own special space on the carpet and our own table space in the classroom. We make sure that we have our ‘magic bubble’ around us and not to get too close to others not to ‘pop’ our bubbles. We enjoyed catching up with each other, sharing our news, playing with playdough, writing about our memories from our time at home, building with lego, chalking outdoors, having races and much more! Mrs Fahey, the children and I all left school today with big smiles after having such a lovely time. We look forward to the fun activities we will do throughout the rest of the week. Wednesday update: Today we had enjoyed creating our own lanes using chalk and then had lots of races. We done skipping, hopping, jumping, running races and lots me. We enjoyed doing some colour addition sheets and we were busy bees making our own bees this afternoon.

Mrs Fahey and I look forward to welcoming our Group 2 class bubble back to class tomorrow! Friday update: Group 2 had a fantastic two days in class this week. We all look forward to carrying out more fun activities next week.






Class 3: Week Beginning 29th June 2020

Bore da boys and girls,

This week we look forward to welcoming many of our pupils back into class, it will be lovely to see you.

I hope you all had a lovely week last week and enjoyed some time outdoors in the lovely weather we had. I hope the sun will be shining again this week for us. Well done to those of you who uploaded your work to HWB last week, remember you can upload a photo of the work you do into your home learning logs too, I would love to see your work as I know how hard you are working.

Below are some activities for you to have a go at this week. If there are any activities that you have not had a go at from last week, you can give them a go this week. 


Language activities

Last week we started to plan ours story innovations where we changed parts of the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Some of you may have focused only on changing the foods the caterpillar ate and some of you have had a go at changing the caterpillar too. This week I would like you to have a go at writing the story. Remember the stages of the story (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly) will remain the same. If you have chosen a different insect then think about how the insect will change throughout the story. Have a look at the short examples below: 

Example for innovation. Remember if you have changed the insect you need to change the parts in red too.

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! Out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He went to find some food … 

On Monday he ate one peach but he was still hungry. 

On Tuesday he ate two kiwi’s but he was still hungry

On Sunday he ate through one leaf and felt much better. Now he wasn’t a hungry caterpillar anymore, he was a big fat caterpillar. 

He built a small house called a cocoon around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks.

Then he pushed his way out and finally he was a beautiful butterfly.  

Have a go at writing your story this week and remember to upload them to HWB if you can. I can’t wait to read them!


Maths activities

This week we are going to be focusing on money. Below are some ideas of activities and games to have a go at this week.

Please continue to practise maths using J2Blast:

(Use J2E – J2Blast- SATsBlast Level 1. See how you get and you can move up the levels as you improve)



This week I would like you to continuing to practise your tricky words and high frequency words but I would like you to focus on writing them in a sentence. Make sure you remember to use capital letters and full stops and try to make your sentences super by extending them and by using adjectives.

This week we are going to revisit the digraph ar.


  • Can you go on a hunt around your house and garden to see what you can find that has the ‘ar’ sound.
  • Write what you find in a list and draw a picture to match them.
  • Choose at least 3 of the words and write them in a super sentence.
  • Year 2 phonics ‘ar’ and ‘al’
  • Sorting sounds game


Welsh activities

This week we are going to be focusing on foods in Welsh.  I would like you to practise the sentence patterns:

Beth wyt ti’n hoffi fwtya? (What do you like to eat?)

Dw i’n hoffi bwyta … (I like to eat…)


Beth wyt ti ddim yn hoffi fwyta? (What don’t you like to eat?)

Dw I ddim yn hoffi bwyta… (I don’t like to eat…)

  1. Practise asking and answering these questions  with a grown up or with your bothers or sisters. If a grown up could record you speaking in welsh and upload it to your HWB that would be great, I would love to hear you!

2. Have a go at writing a few sentences to tell me what you like/ don’t like to eat and draw some pictures to match. Have a look at the links below for Welsh food words.

Food vocabulary

Food word mat

Fruit word mat

3. In our story ‘The very hungry Caterpillar’, he ate lots of different foods. Can you write a list of the foods he ate in Welsh?


Topic activities

This week we are going to focus on honey bees as part of our topic on minibeasts.

What do you already know about bees? Create a mind map to write what you know. Think about the following things:

  • What colour are they?
  • What do they do?
  • What is their job?
  • What do they sound like?
  • Where do they live?

Once you have thought about what you already know, have a look at the links below to find out more.

Can you create a poster or a fact file to show me what you know about bees?

In your fact file try to include the following:

  • Where bees live
  • What bees look like – can you draw a detailed picture of a bee and tell me information about how many legs/ wings/ eyes they have?
  • What do bees eat?
  • What is a bees important job?
  • And any other interesting facts you have found.


I hope you enjoy the activities this week. Mrs Fahey look forward to seeing some of you this week!

Have fun!

Miss Evans




Class 3: Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

Good afternoon boys and girls! Mrs Fahey and I are looking forward to seeing you next week back in class 3. Today Mrs Fahey and I have been busy bees working hard rearrange our classroom ready for next week. We have special crosses on the carpet area that we will sit on when it is carpet time. We have two handwashing stations in our classroom and 4 areas each side of the classroom to sit and play at. Each of you will have your own zip lock bag with pencil, rubber, ruler, sharpener, glue and colouring pencils in and your own tub of construction toys and playdough that will be yours to use each time you come to class. In the areas that we have set up Mrs Fahey and I will put out different resources each day for you to use such as small world figures, junk modelling and collage materials. I have uploaded some photos below so you can see what our class looks like now.
















We look forward to seeing you next week!

Love from Miss Evans and Mrs Fahey


Shwmae boys and girls. I hope everyone is well. It was great to see some of the lovely work that a few of you shared with me last week, please keep sharing your work with me through HWB if you can. I have seen some excellent story writing of our story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ this week, some very creative clocks, fact files of a chosen minibeast and lots more. Keep up the great work boys and girls, you are doing a fantastic job and I am very proud of you!

Here are some more activities or you to have a go at this week. If you wish to continue with any of the tasks from the previous weeks, please do so. Hope you enjoy!

Language activities 

Over the last few weeks we have been focusing on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. So far we have done list writing, story maps and have had a go at writing the story.

This week we are going to use the story that we now know well and we are going to become authors! We are going to innovate the story, that means to change the story, just like we did when we focused on our story Elfa and the box of memories when we were in class together.

We are going to keep some things the same and change other parts of the story. For example, we could change what the caterpillar ate on the different days. So on Monday instead of eating one apple, he could eat one pineapple.

If you are feeling very clever year 2, you may want to change the caterpillar too! You may decide to have ‘The Very Hungry Frog’. Remember to think about the life cycle then – egg, tadpole , frog.

This week I would like you to plan your new story using the template below. Remember if you are unable to print, you can complete it straight into your home learning log. I have also uploaded an example of one I have completed for you to have a look at.

Hungry Caterpillar Story Innovation Example

Story innovation template


Once you have planned your story, try drawing a story map. Have a look at the one I have made below as an example and have a go at drawing your own.

Story innovation story map example


 Maths activities 

Last week we started to look at telling the time and we carried out some practical activities to practise this. This week I would like you to have a go at the tasks below.

Year 1:

I would like you to have a go at the activities below where you will practise telling and showing the o’clock times and half past times.

Year 1 – Activity 1 – tell the time

Year 1 – Activity 2 – time


Year 2:

This week I would like you to practise telling the time. Can you tell the time to the hour? Can you use half past, quarter past and quarter to? Have a go at the activities below.

Year 2 – o’lock and half past activity

Year 2 – drawing the time – quarter past and quarter to

Year 2 – telling the time – quarter past and quarter to

This week I would like you to focus on your tricky words and high frequency words as these this will help you in your reading and your writing. Remember, if you are confident at spelling the words in your current phase, please move onto the next phase, but ask a grown up to test you first.

Have a look at the links below for your tricky words.

Tricky words word map

This week please practise your tricky words in your home learning logs and focus on your handwriting. You can also practise your words in fun ways such as writing them in rainbow colours, bubble writing, using chalk outdoors, writing them in salt/ paint/ flour.

Below is a link to a tricky words word search you may like to have a go at.

Phase 3 tricky words word search

Phase 4 tricky words word search

Phase 5 tricky words word search

Click on the link below for the high frequency words. Practise the ones in your current phase and when you are confident, move onto the next. Keep practising these every week. For those of you who are confident at spelling all the words in phase 5, please see the next 200 high frequency words and have a go at working through a few of these each week.


Next 200 High Frequency Words


Topic activities

If there are any topic activities from the previous weeks that you have not had a go at, please do if you wish to. If you are still working on your mini topic from last week on a minibeast of your choice, please continue with this. Remember you can present your information any way you want to, you could make a poster, a fact file, you could use JIT5, get creative and make your own minibeast too. Have fun with it.

Below are some activities and games for you to have a go at this week.

1. Click on the link below to play a guess who game. Could you guess the minibeast correctly?

Minibeast What am I game

2. Below is a link for fact cards about minibeasts. Have a go at reading them, ask a grown up to help you    if you need to. After that, have a go at the minibeast matching activity.

Minibeast fact cards Minibeast matching activity

3. Have a go at creating your own guess who cards about minibeasts? Can you include 3 facts for each minibeast?


I hope you enjoy this weeks activities. If you have any questions please email me on 

Keep safe and have fun. Mrs Fahey and I look forward to seeing you very soon. 

Miss Evans


Class 3: Week beginning 15th June 2020


Parents, please see attached a letter regarding pupils returning to school from 29th June 2020.



Bore da Class 3,

Sut wyt ti? I hope you all had a good week and enjoyed some of last weeks activities. Thank you to those of you who uploaded your work on HWB for me to see. I saw fantastic story maps, videos of you retelling the story of the hungry caterpillar, welsh descriptions of minibeasts and more. I love seeing the work you have been doing, so keep sharing it with me if you can. 

Have a look below for this weeks activities. Remember if you did not finish any activities from last week, you can continue with them if you’d like to. 


Language activities 

For the last few weeks we have been learning the story of the very hungry caterpillar. This week I would like you to write to write the story of the hungry caterpillar. Try to include the time connectives if you can and remember to use your story map to help you.

Click on the link below to view a word mat to help you with the key words from the story.

Hungry Caterpillar word mat

Have a look below for a short example, you can use the same start as I have for your story.

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! Out of the eff came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He went to find some food … 

On Monday he ate one apple but he was still hungry.

On Tuesday he ate two pears but he was still hungry. 

Can you complete the rest of the story? Remember to use capital letters at the start of the sentence and for the days of the week and don’t forget your full stops.


Maths activities 

This week I would like you to focus on ‘time’.

Year 1 – can you tell the time to the hour? Can you use half past?

Year 2 -can you tell the time to the hour? Can you use half past, quarter past and quarter to?

Remember the important rule about how we use the big and small hands to help us tell the time. The small hand points to the hour. The big hand points to the minutes past. When the big hand points to the 12 the time is ‘o’clock’.

This week we are going to have a go at lots of practical activities to help us learn to tell the time. Have a look at the activities below:

Telling the time powerpoint

  • Can you make your own clock? Maybe you could make a big clock outdoors using chalk and sticks for the hands. Ask a grown up to shout out a time, can you use the sticks to show the time they called?


  • Can you make your own paper plate clock? Year 2 can you show the minutes past?

If you have made some times on your clocks, ask a grown up to take some photos of you showing me the times and upload them to HWB if you can.

  • Think about the different things that you do during the times of the day. When do you have your breakfast? When do you brush your teeth, go to bed? Can you draw some pictures of what you do during the day and write the time next to them? 

Please have a go at practising maths using J2Blast. It was lovely to see some of you practise on here last week, well done!

(Use J2E – J2Blast- SATsBlast Level 1. See how you get and you can move up the levels as you improve)




Well done to those of you who have been working really hard with your phonics. I saw some excellent work on ‘ue’ words last week with you writing your own words with the split digraph too.

This week we are going to revise the diagraph ‘er’ as in spider, teacher.

Year 1 activities

  • Can you write a list of as many ‘er’ words as you can think of? Draw a picture to match the words.
  • Choose at least 3 of the words and write them in a sentence. Remember what sentences need to have. That’s right… capital letters and a full stop.
  • Have a go at the ‘er word search if you can. er Word Search With Word Bank

Year 2 activities 

The digraph ‘er’ can also have alternative spellings that make the same sound. There are ‘ir’ as in dirt, ‘or’ as in worm, and ‘ur’ as in curl.

  • Can you make a list of words that have our sound in? If your unsure of which spelling you should use, write it in each way and put a tick next to the one you think is right.
  • Have a go at the sorting words sheet here. Alternative spellings for ‘er’ sound
  • Choose at least 3 words and write them in an interesting sentence. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

Don’t forget to continue to practise the spellings of your tricky words and high frequency words. Remember you can move through the phases once you are confident at spelling the words in your current phase.


Topic activities 

For our topic work this week I would like you to think of your own mini topic about minibeasts to focus on for the week. You may decide you want to learn more about a specific minibeast such as a spider or a snail. Or you may wish to make a poster all about an minibeast, such as a butterfly to show me everything that you have learnt about them the last few weeks. You may choose to do some craft activities on the minibeast of your choice.

Over the last few weeks we have been focusing on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and last week one activity was to keep your own food diary for the week. This week I would like you to have a go at some of the activities below.

  • Not all the foods the hungry caterpillar ate were healthy foods. Can you make a list ‘healthy foods’ and ‘unhealthy foods’ and write the foods he ate under the correct heading.

To have a healthy diet, our foods are split into food groups. Can you name any of the food groups? They are…

Fruit and vegetagbles





To have a balanced diet, which means a healthy diet, we need to have foods from all of these groups. But there are some groups we should not each too much of. Can  you guess which it is?

Have a little look at the PowerPoint here to learn more about the food groups. Healthy Eating – Food groups

  • Have a go at the food group sorting activity on the powerpoint below.
  • Food groups sorting
  • Using the template below, or drawing into your home learning log, can you plan your own healthy meal? Remember to try to include something from a few of the different food groups on your plate. Meal template

I hope you enjoy this weeks activities. If you have any questions please email me on

Have fun, keep safe and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Miss Evans

Class 3: Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Parents, please see attached a letter regarding pupils returning to school from 29th June 2020.

Parent Letter 120620 Eng

Good morning all, I hope you are all well and enjoyed completing some of last week’s activities. It was lovely to see more of you uploading your work to HWB last week. I have seen some fantastic models of symmetrical butterflies, read some great recounts of your Whitsun holidays, fact files on the life cycle of a butterfly and some very creative ways of making models of the life cycle through using paper plates and plant pots. Keep up the fantastic work boys and girls and keep sharing it with me if you can. Have a look below for this weeks activities. 


Language activities

For our language activities this week we are going to focus on our topic story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Click on the link below to listen to the story again.



  1. Write a list of the foods that the caterpillar ate. How many did you name? Did you forget any? Draw some pictures to go with your list. Remember when we write a list we write words below each other.


  1. Can you create a story map to retell the story? Can you add time connectives to your story map; first, second, next, then, after that, suddenly, finally. Click on the links under the activities to see some examples of a story map. Remember you can listen to the story as many times as you need to help you remember what happens next.


  1. Can you use your story map to retell the story to someone in your house? Maybe a grown up can record you telling the story and upload the video to your HWB. Id love to hear you telling the story!











Maths activities 

Last week we focused on making symmetrical patterns using 2d and 3d shapes and I saw some lovely symmetrical butterflies being made.

This week we are going to continue with shape and symmetry activities. Have a look at the activities below and have a go at a few of them.

  1. Can you go on 3D shape hunt around your home? What can you find that is a cube, cuboid, sphere, cone, pyramid, cylinder, and triangular prism? Are there any shapes you could not find? What were they?
  2. Can you make your own symmetrical pattern? You could draw a line down the middle of the page and create a mirrored image of a pattern. Using chalk outdoors, draw a line on the floor, collect objects such as leaves, twigs, stones and make a symmetrical pattern.
  3. Can you make the butterfly symmetrical by drawing the correct 2d shapes?

Please have a go at practising maths using J2Blast:

(Use J2E – J2Blast- SATsBlast Level 1. See how you get and you can move up the levels as you improve)





Year 1 – This week we are going to focus on the digraph ‘ue’. Have a look at the video below.



  1. Can you write a list of words with ‘ue’? Go on a hunt around your house to see if you can find anything with this sound in.
  2.  Year 1 – Find and write the ‘ue’ words  If you are unable to print the sheets, please write the words straight into your home learning logs and draw a picture to match, or you can do this on HWB using J2E.


Year 2 – This week I would like you to focus on the ‘ue’ digraph too but we will look at the split digraph u_e too. Have a look at the video below:


  1. Can you write a list of words with ‘ue’ ‘u_e’? Go on a hunt around your house to see if you can find anything with this sound in.
  2.  Year 2 – Find and write u_e words     If you are unable to print the sheets, please write the words straight into your home learning logs and draw a picture to match, or you can do this on HWB using J2E.

ou could use the internet or a book to find out more about that animal. For example, what it eats, what it looks like, where it lives, any particular unusual features etc..


Topic activities 

Last week we started to learn all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We now know the life cycle; egg – caterpillar – chrysalis – butterfly. Below is a very interesting  video that shows the lifecycle, have a little look, I’m sure you will enjoy it.

  1. This week I would like you to create a fact file all about butterflies. You could use the internet or a book to find out lots of information. Try to include lots of interesting facts about what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives, any particular unusual features etc. You could write it on paper and draw a picture to go with it, or you could try doing it on JIT5.

2. The caterpillar was very hungry wasn’t he?! Can you keep a little diary of what you have to eat for the week? Can you write what you have for break, lunch, dinner and snacks each day? You can do this straight into your home learning log or you can use the template below.

My food diary


Below are some creative activity ideas you may like to try this week:

Can you create your own caterpillar? Maybe you could use milk bottle tops, plastic cups, sponge painting, handprints, egg boxes. Can you create a repeated pattern for it’s body, e.g. green, red, green, red? How long is your caterpillar? Can you measure it?

Can you make your own 3D butterfly using resources you have in your house? Try using recyclable materials such as plastic bottles, cardboard tubes, plastic cups, lollypop sticks etc. If you can, take a photo of your creations and share them with me on HWB, I would love to see them.


Welsh activities

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the names of minibeasts in Welsh. We have listened to the story ‘Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt yn yr Ardd’, matched names of minibeasts, learnt about where they live in Welsh and have written a short description of a minibeast.

Activity 1:

Can you match the descriptions to the correct minibeast? You need to remember your colours in welsh.

Matching Descriptions

Activity 2:

Have a go at writing making your own matching cards using the language we have practised over the last few weeks. Choose 3 minibeasts to write clues about. You can tell me the colours they are, if they are big (mawr) or small (bach) and where they live.


I hope you enjoy the activities this week, if you have any questions you can email me Remember you can also comment using the speech bubbles above your work on HWB. 

Have fun this week and keep safe. 

Miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Miss Evans 

Class 3: Week Beginning 1st June 2020

Bore da boys and girls,

Miss Evans here, how are you all? I hope you and your families are all safe and well. Did you have a nice half term? We were very lucky to have such lovely weather last week, I hope you made the most of it by having lots of fun outdoors with your family.

As we start our first week of our final Summer term, we will be continuing with our topic of ‘Minibeasts’. So far we have written a poem about a minibeast, named as many minibeasts as we could by writing a list, been on a minibeast hunt, explored minibeasts and their habitats, learnt the names of minibeasts in Welsh and described them and created bug hotels. We have been busy bees! When we began our topic, many of you sent me a topic web back of things that you would like to learn about, and a very popular response was the life cycle of a butterfly. So this is going to be our focus this week.

Below are some activities for you to have a go of this week. If you have any questions you can email me If you upload your work to HWB I will leave comments in the speech bubbles in your files about your work. Remember you can also comment back, I’d love to hear from you! 

Language activities

I would like you to write a recount about your Whitsun holidays. Have a think about things that you have done that you have enjoyed. Maybe you have had fun in the garden, been in a paddling pool, had water fights, played games with your family, been on walks, planting and much more. I would love to hear about what you got up to.

When you write your recount, remember it is in the past tense as you will be telling me about something you have done. Remember to use capital letters and full stops. Have a go at using time connectives in your writing, for example, first, next, then, after that. We

Below is a recount template you could use. If you can’t print it, you can write your recount straight into your home learning books or you can use JIT5 to type your work.

Recount template


Maths activities

This week I would like you to focus on different types of 2D and 3D shapes and symmetrical patterns.

You could try and make a collage using different 2D shapes or you could try and make a 3D sculpture! Try to take photos if you do and share them with me on HWB. You could look around the garden and see if you can find any symmetrical patterns. Can you create your own symmetrical pattern? What shapes have you used? Remember when something is symmetrical it is the same both sides.

Below are some further activities that you could try to develop your knowledge and understanding of shapes and symmetry.

Here is an interactive activity for you to have a go at where you need to select the correct 2d shape to make the butterfly symmetrical.

Have a go at some of the activities and games below:

Make a butterfly picture The Cautious Caterpillar Symmetry





This week I would like you to continuing practising your tricky words from the set that you are on. Ask a grown up to test you on spelling your words and if you are confident at spelling them, move onto the next phase.

Tricky Words

I would also like you to keep practising the spellings of High Frequency Words. Below is a link to these words, work on the phase that you are currently on with your tricky words. If you are confident with all of these, move onto the next phase.

Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency Words

Ideas of how to practise these words:

  •  Can you choose a few of the words from your list and write them in a sentence? Can you make your sentence a ‘Super Sentence’? Remember we do this by adding adjectives, verbs and by making our sentences longer  by adding those connective words such as ‘because’ and ‘and’.
  •  Rainbow writing – write the words in as many different colours as you can. Maybe you can write them in a shape of a rainbow!
  • Practise writing them outdoors with chalk or a paint brush and water.
  • Write them in paint
  • Bubble writing
  • Type them using JIT5

Topic activities

This week we are going to start learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. The first thing I would like you to do is to write/ draw what you think the life cycle of a butterfly is like? Record your ideas. After you have done this I would like you to listen to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Were you right about the life cycle? What happened?


  1. After listening to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, can you show the lifecycle of a butterfly? You can be creative and display this is any way you would like. Have a little look at the ideas below:

*Don’t forget to label the process of the life cycle.

2. Now you know the life cycle of a butterfly, can you research some facts about each stage and write a short factfile about it. Have a little look at the information sheets below to help.

Life cycle information poster Butterfly facts

3. Now have a go at writing a little bit about each process. Have a look at the sheet below, you can either print or complete it on JIT5 or straight into your home learning books.

Butterfly Life Cycle Write up


I hope you enjoy the activities this week. Remember, upload your work to HWB if you can so I can see your fantastic work! 

Keep safe, miss you all,

Miss Evans 


Class 3: Week Beginning 26th May 2020


Bore da Class 3,

Sut wyt ti? I hope you are all safe and well and have been having fun at home with your families. Last week I saw some fantastic photos of the bug hotels some of you have made, I know you have even had some ‘guests’! Well done to all of you who have continued to upload your work to HWB, you have been working so hard and I am very proud of you.


This week is Whitsun half term so I would like you to spend the time to catch up with any activities that you have not had chance to do over the last few weeks. If there is anything that you found a little bit tricky to do, have a little practise of it again this week with and ask a grown up to help you.


Below are some fun activity ideas you may wish to have a go at this week.

  • Remember to keep a look out over half term to see if your bug hotel has any guests too and record it on the sheet. If you have not made one yet, maybe you could have a little go this week.
  • Have fun outdoors in the sunshine, but remember to keep safe, wear a hat and suncream.
  • Go on a 2d or 3d shape hunt around your house or garden
  • Set up an obstacle course outdoors
  • Build a den and share a story in there with someone
  • Make a bird feeder
  • Help a grown up do some gardening; plant some seeds.
  • Play games with your family
  • While outside in the garden, or when you go for a walk with grown ups try collecting leaves, twigs and stones to make a minibeast picture.
  •  Paint some stones, you can paint them to be minibeasts, a rainbow, anything you want!

I hope you all have a lovely half term and I look forward to hearing all about what you have got up to next week. Remember if you would like to send me any photos of you doing some activities this week, then please do, I would love to see them.

Keep safe and have fun,

Miss you all very much,

Miss Evans



Class 3: Week Beginning 18th May 2020


Important note for parents:

Please see attached a ‘Parental Survey’ sent by the Local Authority to ascertain views of parents regarding a phased return of schooling for pupils. Please could you complete the survey by the 27th May and email it to school; Alternatively, you can drop off the completed survey off at school on Wednesday or Friday this week. Thank you.

Parental Questionnaire


Bore da Class 3, sut wyt ti?

I hope you are all safe and well and had an enjoyable week. Well done to everyone that has been carrying out work that I have put on our class page. This week I have seen some fantastic rhyming poems about bees, ladybirds, butterflies and spiders, practising your tricky words, doubling and halving activities and some of your fantastic minibeast crafts activities. I have seen spiders made from toilet tubes, ladybirds and bees made from pebbles and many more!

Below are some activities that I would like you to have a go at this week. Remember, if there is anything you would like to continue, or finish from last week, please do so.

Language activities

Below are two units of work, you can try either of them. There are lots of activities included and would be good to work with an adult to help. Enjoy!



If you have not created your own rhyming poem about minibeasts, give it a go this week.

Click on the link below to have a go at a rhyming game.




This week we are going to revisit the digraph ‘oi’.  Year 2 you will be writing words with the same sound but using alternatives spellings also. You will focus on ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.

Year 1 activities:

  1. Name the ‘oi’ words
  2. Can you think of your own words with the ‘oi’ sound? Write a list of the words you can think of and draw a picture to match if you can. Remember you can do this on HWB through using JIT5 mix or you can complete it into your home learning logs.
  3.  Fill in the missing gaps with the correct ‘oi’ words to complete the sentences. You can complete this on the sheet or you can write the sentences straight into your home learning log or type them using JIT5.

Year 1 – oi words labelling

Year 1 – complete the sentences


Year 2 activities:

  1. Choose the correct oi/oy spelling to label the pictures.
  2. Can you think of your own words with the oi/oy sound? Write a list of the words you can think of and draw a picture to match if you can. Remember you can do this on HWB through using JIT5 mix or you can complete it into your home learning logs
  3.  Click on the link below to complete the oi and oy sentences activity. You can complete this on the sheet or you can write the sentences straight into your home learning log or type them using JIT5.

Year 2 oi and oy labelling

Year 2 – oi and oy word sentences



This week we are going to practise addition and subtraction. Remember addition is when we add the two numbers together and subtraction is when we take the smaller number away from the bigger number.

Have a go at some of the activities below. Remember you can use loose parts such as lego, marbles, pebbles, or anything that you may have at home that you can use to make sets to help you.

Year 1:

Click on the link below and complete the activities. Have a go at a few of them.

Year 1 – addition to 20

Year 1 – subtraction


Year 2:

Click on the link below and complete the activities. Have a go at a few of them. 

Challenge cards – addition and subtraction

Year 2 – addition and subtraction


Topic activities 

So far as part of our topic work we have made lists of the names of minibeasts, been on a minibeast hunt, wrote facts about a chosen minibeast, created our own minibeasts and started to learn about a minibeasts’ habitat. We have definitely been busy bees! Remember if there is anything that you have not had chance to complete and would like to do so, please do.

This week why not try to make your own bug hotel? Have a look at the pictures and links below for ideas of how you can build your bug hotel.

Once you have made your bug hotel, I would like you to look closely each day to see if you have any ‘guests’. Record your findings on the sheet below. This can be done over the next two weeks. I wonder what minibeasts will visit your hotel? I can’t wait to hear about it. If you can, take some photos of your bug hotel and share them with me on HWB.

Minibeast hotel recording sheet


Welsh activities

The last few weeks we have been learning the names of minibeasts and how to ask and answer new sentence patterns. This week I would like you to use all of the skills you have learnt so far to write a short profile about a minibeast. Look at the example below:

Pili Pala ydw i. Dw in oren , coch, du a melyn. Dw in byw yn yr ardd. 

Have a go at writing your own. The parts highlighted in red are the parts you could change. Draw a picture to go with what you have written about. If your feeling very clever, have a go at writing more than one!


I hope you have fun completing some of these activities this week. Remember if you have any questions you can email me on 

Miss you all, keep safe.

Miss Evans 


Class 3: Week Beginning 11th May 2020



Bore da Class 3,

How are you all? I hope you are all safe and well. I was glad to see the sun return last week and get outside in the garden. I hope you all had a fun week and enjoyed completing some the activities that I left for you. I have been very impressed with how many of you that have been sharing your work with me on HWB. You should be very proud of yourselves; I am proud of you all because this way of working is very different from when we are in class together and you have all been working very hard. I will leave comments in the speech bubbles in your files about your work, you can also comment back. Keep up the excellent work boys and girls!

This week I would love to hear about what you have been doing during your time at home. Have you learnt any new skills? Maybe you have been getting creative and been practising your drawing or painting skills, helping grown ups to do some cooking or gardening? I have been learning to crochet and have so far made some teddy bears, it is fun to learn a new skill, give it a go!


If you have any activities from the previous weeks that you haven’t finished or would like to continue with, please do. In the meantime, below are some activities that you can try this week. 


Literacy activities

For the last few weeks we have been focusing on rhyming words ready to write our own poems. This week we are going to use the skills that we have learnt to have a go at writing our own short rhyming poem about minibeasts. You can choose one minibeast to write your poem about or it can be about many minibeasts. When you write your poem, think about the following things:

What do the minibeasts look like? Use adjectives to describe what they look like.

Are they bright,  beautiful, big, small, long, furry, shiny, slimy, pretty?

What is their personality like?

Are they happy, friendly, kind, mean?

What are they doing?

Are they flying, buzzing, eating, munching, hiding, slithering, creeping, crawling?

Try to include some rhyming words in your poem. Remember to give your poem a title, remember a grown up can help you. Click on the link below to see some examples. It would be lovely if you can decorate your poem with pictures too! 

Poem examples





This week I would like you to continue to practise your tricky words and high frequency words. Remember you can do this in many different ways.

  • Rainbow writing
  • Use paint to write your words
  • Bubble writing
  • Chalk
  • Making the letters out of playdough, stones, twigs, any loose parts.

This week I would like you to practise your handwriting, so choose a few words from the list and write them neatly into your home learning logs. Remember join your letters if you can.

Have a go at writing some of your words in a sentence. Click on the links below to see the tricky words and high frequency words and work on the phase that you are on. If you are confident at spelling all of the words in your current phase, move onto the next set.

High Frequency Words Tricky words


Maths activities

This week in maths we are going to practise doubling and halving numbers. Remember when we double it means we have two sets of the same number. When we half, we share how many we have between two.

Click on the links below to complete the activities. If you are unable to print, don’t worry, you can write the answers straight into your home learning logs. Have a go of at least one doubling and one halving activity.

Butterfly doubles to 20

Doubling and halving activities

Ladybird halving to 20


If your feeling very clever, have a go at some of the challenge cards below!

Doubling and halving challenge cards

If you would like to play some doubling and halving games, try the ones below.÷/doubling-and-halving/


Topic activities 

This week for our topic work I would like you to get creative and have lots of fun making your own minibeasts. You could choose one minibeast or you could make your own minibeast garden, that is up to you!  You can use things from around your house such as, toilet roll inners, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, bottles to make your minibeasts.

Below are some pictures to give you some ideas of what you could make, you can use these to help you or you could come up with your own. I can’t wait to see what you make!

For your final topic activity this week I would like you to think about where the minibeasts live. Where is their habitat? When you went on your minibeast hunt where did you find each one? Was it in the soil, in a hive, on a leaf? Click on the link below learn more about minibeasts and their habitats.

Minibeasts and their habitats powerpoint

Have a go at the activity below. Remember if you are unable to print off the activity, you can complete it straight into your home learning log by writing the name of the minibeast/ drawing a picture of it and writing where it lives by the side of it.

Minibeasts and their habitats worksheet

Welsh activities 

I hope you enjoyed listening to the story Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt yn yr Ardd last week. If you have not had chance to listen to the story the link is on our page from last week below, have a listen to it and then try the activity that follows.

Click on the link below to find out about this weeks activity.

Welsh activity WB 11.5.20


P.E/ Games

I hope you have all been keeping active, it is important that we keep ourselves moving. Maybe you were able to do lots of activities outdoors last week as we had some nice sunshine, hopefully it will be more of the same this week. There are lots of things that you can do if you have the space in your garden, have a go at a few from below this week.

Can you create an obstacle course outdoors?

Use chalk to create and play hopscotch.

Design yourself a crazy line with chalk that you have to follow.

Have some running / skipping/ hopping races.

How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute? Challenge someone else in your house to beat your score.

Remember you can keep active indoors too with 5 a day fitness and Joe Wickes.

Joe Wickes

5 a day fitness

Why not try some dancing? Here’s Oti from Strictly with a dance routine especially for children!


I hope you have lots of fun completing these activities this week. Remember you can email me if you have any questions on I miss you all and hope to see you again soon. Stay safe. 

Miss Evans 


Class 3: Week Beginning 4th May 2020 

Bore da Class 3, Miss Evans here again. Sut wyt ti?

This is now our third week of our new way of learning using the website and I hope you have been enjoying the activities. Did you have fun going on a minibeast hunt? What was the most popular minibeast that you found? When I went on my hunt in my garden the most popular minibeast I found were ants. I was glad that I only saw one spider! Well done to those of you who have shared your work with on me on HWB, it has been lovely to see what activities you have been completing. I have seen pictograms, pictures of you going on your minibeast hunt, practising of your tricky words, times tables, minibeasts crafts, you have been working really hard. Keep it up this week.

Below are the activities that I would like you to complete this week. Don’t worry if you were not able to complete all the activities from last week, you can continue with them this week. Remember if you have any questions or need any help you can ask a grown up to help you send me an email at

Have fun and keep safe, miss you all. 

Miss Evans 

Literacy Activities 

Last week we started looking at the story ‘Mad About Minibeasts’ and focused on finding and sorting rhyming words. This week I would like you to start thinking of your own rhyming words and begin to make rhyming sentences.


  1. In the first activity I would like you to think of words that rhyme. For example, if you are given the word ‘cat’ I would like you to think of 3 words that rhyme with it.

Click on the link below to view the activity to complete, I would like you to complete at least one sheet from the pack (year 1). Remember if you are unable to print the sheet then you can write the words straight into your home learning log or you can use JIT to type them.

Activity 1 – Year 1 Rhyming Words

Activity 1 – Year 2 Rhyming Words

  1. In this activity I would like you to start writing sentences with rhyming couplets. This is when the last two words in each sentence rhymes. For example:

A baby spider played in the sun.

Bouncing on a web is so much fun.

Click on the link below and have a go at putting the rhyming couplets into a sentence. Remember to read your work to make sure it makes sense.

Activity 2 – Rhyming sentences






This week I would like you to focus on spelling the high frequency words. In the link below you will find the words I would like you to practise, you will work on the same phase that you are on with your tricky words. Choose 3 words each day to practise. Remember you can practise spelling these in lots of different ways.

  • Rainbow writing
  • Writing words in salt, flour, glitter or shaving foam
  • Bubble writing
  • Why not use small loose parts such as stones and make the letters
  • Make the words using playdough

Click here to view the High Frequency Words 


Activity 2:

This week we are going to focus words with an ‘ou’ sound. Year 2 you will be writing words with the same sound but using alternatives spellings also. You will focus on ‘ou’ and ‘ow’.

If you go into shared files on HWB you will find the phonics activities that I have shared with you to complete this week. If you open the file, you can type by the pictures to complete the activity. You can complete through HWB or click on the links below to download them.

Year 1 activities:

  1. Name the ‘ou’ words
  2. Can you think of your own words with the ‘ou’ sound? Write a list of the words you can think of and draw a picture to match if you can. Remember you can do this on HWB through using JIT5 mix or you can complete it into your home learning logs.

Year 1 Phonics ‘ou’

Year 2 activities:

  1. Click on the link below to view the worksheet. I would like you to read the words and then write them in the correct ou/ow spelling. You can print and write it on the sheet or you can write them in a list into your home learning books or on JIT5.
  2. Phonics worksheet – ou or ow words.
  3. Can you write a list of all the words you can think of with ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ in? Draw a picture to match if you can. Remember you can do this on HWB through using JIT5 mix or you can complete it into your home learning logs.


Activity 1 – Year 2 Phonics ou and ow

Year 2 Phonics ‘ou’ and ‘ow’



This week we are going to revisit place value. Place value helps us to understand the value of the digit depending on its position in a number. For example the number 53 can be shown like this:

Tens Units





If we have a number that is in the hundreds, for example 235 it can be shown like this:

Hundreds Tens Units







Click on the links below for your maths activities this week. Remember if you are unable to print off the sheet you can ask a grown up to help you draw the table and complete it into your home learning logs.

If you are feeling confident (year 2) have a go at completing the activity with hundreds, tens and units.

Place value tens and units

Place value hundreds tens and units (year 2)

Why not have a go at challenging yourself with completing some of these place value challenge cards? Write the answers into your books or by using JIT5. Place value challenge cards



This week we are going to continue with our minibeast topic. If you have not been able to complete the topic activities from last week then you can continue with these this week.


  1. Choose your favourite minibeast, it could be one that you saw on your hunt or it could be a different one. I would like you to draw it in as much detail as you can.
  2. Research and find some interesting facts about your chosen minibeast and write them down.

You can present it in any way you choose, you can write it into your home learning logs or create it through HWB using JIT5.


Welsh Activities

This link includes all the Year 1 and 2 language patterns that you can practise: Welsh Language Patterns

This week I would like you to listen to the story Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt yn yr Ardd. We are going to learn the names of the minibeats that we find in the story.

Click on the link below to listen to the story.


After you have listened to the story I would like you to have a go at the activity below. I have shared the file with you on HWB so you can complete it through there, or by downloading it by clicking on the link.  Practise naming the minibeasts and asking the question ‘Beth ydy hwn? What is this? Dyma ____. Here is a ____.

Welsh minibeast naming activity

Below is a video to show you how to access the shared file through HWB.


PE/ Games

I hope you have all been keeping active, I know the weather has changed this week making it a little more difficult to go outdoors but don’t forget there are plenty of ways to keep active indoors. If the weather is nicer this week, try to complete some of the activities below:

Can you create an obstacle course outdoors?

Use chalk to create and play hopscotch.

Design yourself a crazy line with chalk that you have to follow.

Remember you can keep active indoors too with 5 a day fitness and Joe Wickes.

Joe Wickes

5 a day fitness

Why not try some dancing? Here’s Oti from Strictly with a dance routine especially for children!


I hope you have lots of fun completing these activities this week.

Miss you all, keep safe.

Miss Evans


Class 3: Week beginning 27th April 2020

Bore da Class 3! Miss Evans here! I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine we have had again this last week and keeping safe and well. It has been nice to see some of you have used HWB and the work is in your files. Remember that if you are unable to access HWB, you can do your work in your home learning log book. 

Well, we are now in the Summer term and during our last week that we were together in school, we thought carefully about what topic we would like to learn about this term. As a class we decided we wanted to learn all about animals so this week we will start our topic off by learning all about Minibeasts. So what are minibeasts? Minibeasts are insects and bugs such as, spiders, caterpillars and many more. I am sure you can name lots!

If you have any questions you can email me on

Below you will find the activities that I have left here for you to complete this week. I am sure you will have lots of fun completing these this week.                             

Topic activities:

I would like you to complete the 3 topic activities below this week.

  1. In your Home Learning Logs create a mindmap showing all the things that you already know about minibeasts. How many can you name? Do you know where they live? What they eat? Write it down on your mindmap.


  1. After you have created your mindmap I would like you to have a think of what you would like to learn about during this topic. Do you want to learn about a certain minibeast? Do you want to find out about what they eat? Do you want to learn about the lifecycles of a butterfly? Write down on a new mindmap everything that you would like to learn. Please ask a grown up to help you take a photo of this and upload it using J2E so I can see what interesting things you would like to learn about.


Click on the link below to see an example of how to set out your mindmap. I know you will include lots more detail on yours.








3. This final activity is one I think you are going to have lots of fun doing. I would like you all to become minibeast detectives! Get your magnifying glasses ready, your good looking eyes and listening ears and start searching. Go out into your garden, or when you go out for a walk with a grown up, see how many minibeasts you can find. Don’t forget, many of the minibeasts like to hide so check underneath rocks and plants. Below is a hunt sheet you can print and complete when you are on your hunt. If you can not print it, then make your own by drawing a picture or writing the name of the bug. I would like you to record how many of each minibeast you find using a tally. Remember the rule we learnt, when we say a number that is in the 5 times tables we make a gate.

Below is the link you will need for your minibeast hunt sheet and an activity I would like you to compete after your hunt. You can print it or can write it into your home learning book.

Minibeast Hunt Sheet My Minibeast Hunt Write Up

If you are unable to print the reseources above, ask a grown up to help you write it in your home learning logs.

Here are some links to videos about minibeasts that I think you will enjoy listening to.


Click on the link below to explore minibeasts closely. It is very interesting.


Literacy activities

Our focus for our writing activities this week will be on the story ‘Mad About Minibeasts’.

Click on the link below to listen to the story.


  1. After listening to the story once, write a list of as many minibeasts as you can remember that was mentioned in the story. Remember the features of how we set out our list; one word underneath the other. Decorate your work by adding pictures too.

You can write this into your Home Learning Log or you can use JIT5 to type your list. If you are using JIT to do this then click on Mix at the top which will let you type and draw.

Over the next few weeks we are going to be learning how to write our own poems about minibeasts. This week we will be exploring rhyming words. Words that rhyme have the same sound.

  1. Can you find the rhyming words in the story? Click on the link below to view page 1 of the story.    
  2. Can you sort the rhyming words? Click on the link below and choose one sheet to complete.

Find the rhyming words

Sorting rhyming words


Useful links for rhyming words games and activities:






  1. Tricky words practise – this week I would like you to choose an activity from the booklet below to complete.


  1. You can also continue to practise spelling your tricky words daily. Remember you can practise your words in many fun ways:
  • Bubble writing
  • Rainbow writing
  • Cut up a piece of paper into small squares, write the letters from your tricky words on each piece and then build your words together.


  1. This week I would like you to practise writing words with the ‘th’ digraph. How many words can you think of? Can you write them in a sentence?

If you are confident at spelling the tricky words you are on, ask a grown up test you and if you do well, move onto the next phase of words.

Phase 2 tricky words Phase 3 tricky words Phase 4 tricky words Phase 5 tricky words

Maths Activities 

This week I would like you to continue practising your times tables. Remember you can use J2Blast to practise these or the games on the Topmarks website.

Have a go at the Daily 10 challenge on Topmarks. See if you can improve on your result each day.

After you have been on your minibeast hunt I would like you to make a pictogram to show what minibeasts you found. You can do this through J2E like we have done in class. I will share an example with you in our shared files on HWB.

I have left a video below for you to help remind you how to use JIT5 to create your pictogram, so if your unsure take a little look.


Welsh Activities

This link includes all the Year 1 and 2 language patterns that you can practise: Welsh Language Patterns

This week I would like you to practise the following patterns:

Pwy wyt ti?

Sut wyt ti?

Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?

Draw a picture to go with the answers of each of these and share them on HWB. Why not teach members of your family how to ask and answer these questions.



It is very important to keep active on a daily basis. This week continue with the activities from last week. Can you complete other types of races? Maying a jumping, hopping, skipping race?

Can you create an obstacle course outdoors?

Use chalk to create and play hopscotch.

Design yourself a crazy line with chalk that you have to follow.






Remember you can keep active indoors too with 5 a day fitness and Joe Wickes.

Joe Wickes

5 a day fitness

I hope you have lots of fun completing these activities this week.

Miss you all,

Miss Evans



Week beginning 20th April 2020

Hello Class 3,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, have been keeping safe and enjoying the lovely weather that we have had. It is very strange not to be with you all in school and I miss you all very much. I will be putting ideas and video’s here for you of activities for you to complete. 

Bellow are the activities that I would like you to complete this week. You can complete these through HWB using J2E-JIT5 or you can complete them on paper into your home learning logs. If you complete them into your home learning logs please can you take a photo and upload it onto HWB, if possible, so I can see the fantastic work you have done. 


Maths Activities:

Click on the link below to view your maths challenges this week.

Maths WB 20th April

Times tables practise can be done using J2Blast or by clicking on the links below to play the games on the TopMarks website:

Below is a link to a 100 square. You can use this to paint the odd and even numbers. Can you paint the squares of numbers that are in the 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables?


Phonics Activities

This week I would like you to continue to practise your tricky words that you were given in your home learning logs. You can practise them in lots of different ways.

  • Rainbow writing – write your words in different colours. How colourful can you make your page?
  • Chalk – ask a grown up where you can practise writing your words on the wall/ floor outside.
  • Write your words in glitter, salt or flour.

The digraph I would like you to focus on this week is ‘ch’.

Click on the links below to watch the video’s.


  1. Go on a hunt around your house to see how many things you can find that has the ‘ch’ sound in them. Remember the ‘ch’ sound doesnt have to be at the start of the word, it can appear at the end too.
  2. Write down the words that you have found and draw some pictures of them too.
  3. Can you write your ‘ch’ words in an interesting sentence?


Writing activities

This week I would like you to write about your news from the Easter holidays. Did the Easter bunny visit you? Did you go on an Easter egg hunt in the house or in the garden? Have you had fun playing games with your brothers and sisters? Maybe you have been playing board games with  the grown up’s, going for walks or bikes rides? I would love to hear what you have been up to during the Easter holidays. 


PE/Games activities

It is very important that you keep active on a daily basis. If you have a garden, think of all the different activities that you can do outside to keep fit. Do you have space to play games? throwing and catching, kicking balls? What athletic activities can you do in the space? Races back and forth? Perhaps you could time yourself? See if you can beat your time! How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds/ 1 minute? Can you beat your score?

If you don’t have space in a garden, or would prefer to keep active inside, try: 5 a day fitness and Joe Wickes.

I hope you have lots of fun completing these activities this week.

Keep safe, missing you all.

Miss Evans