Useful Information

BBC – education programmes

From Monday 11th January 2021, the BBC will be providing programming for pupils learning at home.  CBBC will have a 3 hour block of primary school programming from 9am with secondary students having content on BBC Two.

Oak National Academy

The Oak National Academy are an online resource with lessons for each year group from Reception onwards.  Please see the link below to access this.

Children wanting to understand and know more about the Coronavirus

Videos and activities designed to help children to explore and ask lots of questions about the Coronavirus.

Help with the cost of mobile data

For families without broadband or who can’t afford extra data for devices.

Another way of accessing HWB via Xbox or PlayStation

Using Xbox or PlayStation to access HWB

BBC Bitesize – daily lessons.

Three new lessons every week day with videos, activities and more.

Oak National Academy.

An online resource with daily lessons for each year group from Reception onwards.

Welsh Government Guidance on Covid 19 for Parents and Carers to support families

Learning & well-being resources to help support vulnerable learners who are being educated at home due to the COVID-19 situation.

NPT Inclusion Vulnerable Learners at home (002)

Mental Health HWB link