
Mr. Simon Jones the Education welfare officer (EWO)came in on the last day of the Autumn term to present attendance awards. Well done to all of the children who have worked hard to improve their attendance and a massive well done to children who achieved 100%

The importance of regular attendance cannot be over-emphasised since it has a huge effect upon the pupil’s performance, behaviour and wellbeing in school.

Regular attendance throughout the school year is essential. When absence is unavoidable, the school must be informed by a phone call or a letter – failure to do so will result in an unauthorised absence for your child. The school operates a ‘first day response’. If your child is absent and we do not receive a message informing us of the reason, then you will receive a text message asking you to contact us. If you do not respond to the text, this will be followed by a telephone call from us.

Please ensure that your children arrive at school on time as valuable learning time is lost if children are persistently late. Any parent arriving after 9:00am should sign the Late Book, situated in the School Office, noting the reason for their lateness. The Education Welfare Officer (EWO), Mr Simon Jones, monitors school attendance and punctuality on a regular basis.

Whenever possible, parents should try to arrange holidays so that they coincide with the school vacations. Any holidays taken during term time will be considered as unauthorised absence and may result in parents being issues with a penalty notice.

Children’s time in school is valuable and should only be missed if unavoidable. During the academic year, the Governing Body has set targets for attendance and has a named governor with specific responsibility for attendance.

Medical Appointments

Please notify the school of any medical or dental appointments that your child has to keep. Whenever possible, please try to arrange appointments after school or during school holidays. It is not our practice to allow children to leave school during school time without an accompanying adult. Please make sure that you report to the office if you need to collect your child.